[Salon] LISTEN: Also on the show, Allison Kaplan Sommer takes us inside last week's Trump administration reunion

More on the Trump administration reunion in Jerusalem. Allison Kaplan Sommer of Haaretz was the most astute commentator of the Joint US Trump/Netanyahu  administration, or if you’re in Israel, the Joint US Netanyahu/Trump administration.

Or as the speakers, being in Israel put it, at 5:30: "Likud/Republican . . . one pundit said it looked like a shadow government . . .of what country . . . of both countries . . .”

Being in the US, I guess I would have to say: Republican/Likud. Which is not .to dismiss the alliance the Biden administration is building with the equally fascist Naftali Bennett crew 
> https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/podcasts/EXT-PODCAST-listen-the-secret-offshore-accounts-bankrolling-israeli-settlements-1.10304981?utm_source=mailchimp&utm_medium=content&utm_campaign=daily-brief&utm_content=61070d3436 <https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/podcasts/EXT-PODCAST-listen-the-secret-offshore-accounts-bankrolling-israeli-settlements-1.10304981?utm_source=mailchimp&utm_medium=content&utm_campaign=daily-brief&utm_content=61070d3436>

> Haaretz Weekly </misc/writers/WRITER-1.6652166>Oct. 18, 2021
> "Also on the show, Allison Kaplan Sommer takes us inside last week's Trump administration reunion in Jerusalem, which featured everything from an evangelical-funded documentary series to the potential launching of a 2024 presidential campaign. Hear the full story and the evening's highlights."

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