is a growing psychosis sweeping the U.S. around the Russian bombardment
of Ukraine, and it is being triggered by the legacy news media. The
steady stream of biased, often erroneous or incomplete information
spewing from the establishment press is leading people to quickly choose
sides in a complicated international conflict, waving flags in support of “their side,” fawning over global leaders, and even holding peaceful car parades
in efforts to do what they think they can to prevent World War III. In
the process, the context and details of the conflict, as well as its
historic roots, are being pushed aside in favor of a kind of binary
knee-jerk activism that is far too common in American political culture.
Speaking out against Russian attacks on Ukraine and in support of the
people there should not be difficult to understand or do. However,
demanding that the U.S. take aggressive action, such as swiftly
implementing a no-fly zone, displays a waning level of sophistication
regarding international relations.
This is psychosis. According to WebMD,
“[p]sychosis is a condition that affects the way your brain processes
information. It causes you to lose touch with reality. You might see,
hear, or believe things that aren’t real.… It can be triggered by…
extreme stress or trauma.” Much of Americans’ recent stress about
Russia-Ukraine germinated from legacy news media reporting. War coverage
is good for news media profits. When it appeals to nationalism and
villainizes international players, it excites and engages audiences. As a result, the jingoistic legacy news media often parrot the military-industrial complex, nudging voters into a national psychosis over foreign affairs. As the Intercept
documented in mid-March 2022, rather than investigating pathways to
peace or procedures for de-escalating the events in Ukraine, legacy news
media reporters bombarded the White House with questions aimed at
goading the nation into war.
The fear-laden reporting that led to American psychosis over Russia began six years prior, when the public was slowly and methodically conditioned by false and baseless legacy news media stories that claimed Russia had hacked a Vermont power plant; put a bounty on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan; shifted election outcomes around the world; and had compromised then-President Donald Trump with the infamous “pee tape.”
This propaganda primed liberal audiences to blame Russia for everything
they hated about Donald Trump’s presidency, and brilliantly distracted
from the corporate news media and polling industry’s cataclysmic failure of predicting Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 Electoral College.
President Vladimir Putin’s illegal and inexcusable invasion of Ukraine
has provided a lucrative opportunity for the legacy news media to
reignite and amplify more anti-Russian blather. None of this is to say
that Russia or Putin should be defended in the press. Rather, American
citizens, like any citizens in a supposed democracy, need context to
understand global affairs, and the press is protected by the First
Amendment of the Constitution for the purpose of providing that context.
when it comes to reporting, the legacy news media privileges profit
over veracity. Indeed, much of the legacy media’s revenue and many of its guests
originate from the defense industry, which benefits financially when
Americans are supportive of war. For example, in March of 2022, the
former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson critiqued Russia on NBC’s Meet the Press, but the host, Chuck Todd, neglected to mention that Johnson sits on the board of global security and aerospace company Lockheed Martin. This is a clear conflict of interest that audiences should be made aware of when they consider Johnson’s analysis.
privileging of pro-war messages comes at the expense of useful
reporting. As a result, American audiences remain largely uninformed
about key issues regarding international affairs. A 2019 survey
conducted by Gallup that was commissioned by the Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR) and the National Geographic Society (NGS) found that
“[l]ess than half of the respondents were able to identify Afghanistan
as the country” that provided safe haven to Al Qaeda before the
September 11, 2001, attacks; and “[j]ust over half could identify Iraq
on a map.” News media clearly plays a role in such ignorance, as the
same survey found that “those who say they use books, magazines, or
radio to keep on top of these issues and those who get their information
from a wide range of sources scored better than their peers.” The
corporate news media outlets provide almost no historical context for
the events taking place in Ukraine, such as the peace process laid out
in the 2014 and 2015 Minsk agreements, the 2014 U.S.-backed coup in Ukraine, or the U.S. reneging on its promise—which
was supported by Great Britain and France—to not expand the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) into Eastern Europe that eventually
influenced Putin’s recent foreign policy decisions.
Instead, news
media outlets rely on inaccurate historical narratives such as claiming
that Putin wants to reestablish the Soviet Union, when in fact he blames
the shift to communism
for the decline of Russia. Furthermore, the legacy news media have set
up a binary narrative of good versus evil—Russia versus Ukraine—which
provides no nuance to this complex situation. It is possible to oppose
the leadership and behavior of both Russia and Ukraine: The former is an opponent of civil rights and democracy with imperialist ambitions, and the latter is ruled by a government that came to power not through democratic means, but by a U.S.-backed coup that worked in tandem with known neo-Nazis,
who are still part of the military there. This brand of reporting does
not position people to understand the impact that policy proposals will
have on their material conditions, let alone foreign affairs.