[Salon] 4 from Wheeler, Kiriakou, Clifton and Lieven/Beebe on RS today!
: [Salon] 4 from Wheeler, Kiriakou, Clifton and Lieven/Beebe on RS today!
: Kelley Vlahos <
: Thu, 7 Apr 2022 10:53:44 -0400
: mlm2.listserve.net; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.d=quincyinst-org.20210112.gappssmtp.com header.i=@quincyinst-org.20210112.gappssmtp.com header.b="SYM/PPrr"
: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 mlm2.listserve.net EE735B07E3
Wow, something for everyone and bouncing off the headlines:
1) CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou on why military prosecutors have to plead out the only 9/11 suspects, 20 years after the attacks. What do you expect when at least one of the men in question has permanent brain damage from torture?
2) Anatol Lieven and George Beebe take on the growing chorus for humanitarian military intervention amid reports of Russian war crimes in Ukraine:
3) Eli Clifton did some digging and found out that Facebook is behind an anti-trust coalition group dressed up as a national security advocacy org whipping up scares about China and Russia (oh, and with the requisite former US military/nat sec/arms industry types on its board):
4) Winslow Wheeler spares none of his contempt for the obvious manipulation in the math during last month's Pentagon budget roll-out. Everyone will get some of the ever-larger pie, except the taxpayer, which gets it in the face.
all the best,
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