[Salon] [Mbrenner] FYI TRUTH/VÉRITÉ

From: Brenner, Michael <mbren@pitt.edu>
Date: Fri, Apr 8, 2022 at 7:28 PM
Subject: [Mbrenner] FYI TRUTH/VÉRITÉ
To: mbrenner@list.pitt.edu <mbrenner@list.pitt.edu>

For those interested in how informed, experienced professionals with no axe to grind interpret and analyze the Ukraine affair, here are two invaluable items. The first is a 2-hour interview by Scott Ritter. The second is a long essay by a French veteran of international politico-military missions. Finally, a video clip with the Director of a Ukrainian hospital in the Donbass.

I will not inflict on you, in the interest of the so-called 'fair & balanced principle,' the discharges of Michael McFaul and Thomas Friedman.


Jacques Baud, a man more qualified than anyone you see on TV - since he advised Ukraine after 2014 for NATO: https://cf2r.org/documentation/la-situation-militaire-en-ukraine/

You’ll need google translate if you don’t read French.





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