[Salon] Fwd: Nancy Pelosi to meet Taiwan’s president on Wednesday

That earthshaking cheer we might be hearing to this war-inciting visit by Nancy Pelosi as Chas shared earlier as at the bottom of this isn’t coming from the “Left,” meaning Biden’s administration. But is definitely coming from this crowd, the Trumpites, or as The American Conservative, Responsible Statecraft, and what they call the “New Right” (how many of those f***ers do we have to endure!, pardon the language but attended a plain-speaking Roger Waters concert Saturday) as featured in this  “campaign-mercial” for the Trump Movement’s so-called “Realism and Restraint” crowd, lusting for hostilities against China, as this leads into with the promotion of the Trump/Gaetz/Hawley cabal as comes from these guys: https://quincyinst.org/event/the-new-right-ukraine-marks-major-foreign-policy-shift-among-conservatives/

Did I hear someone here once say that The American Conservative has nothing to do with the Trumpite worshipping American Moment? Or more specifically:  "The American Moment is a totally separate organization from the American Conservative.” True, undoubtedly, as individual legal entities. But who funds them both? And what does this say about their mutual interests in promoting their collective duplicitousness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DKP5Q0hxXc

BLUF: "Opening Remarks on the future of American Foreign Policy from Saurabh Sharma, President of American Moment and Emile Doak, Executive Director of The American Conservative, at the "Up From Chaos: Conserving American Security" Conference in Washington D.C.
So yes, “totally separate.” But let's not be disingenuous or duplicitous: they have the same dangerous, extreme right–wing, anti-constitutional agenda, which the Committee for the Republic would have at one time been repelled by, just as it would by Biden taking over the wars Trump began, of which the Never-Trumpers and Democrats denied him “credit.” Instead, accusing him of “Isolationism, for which he actually benefitted, as can be seen in “The New Right’s” memes, even though he was anything but as shown in his co-belligerencies in Iran and Yemen, and massive military build-ups in encircling Russia and China. 

The same fellow wrote that "Hillsdale is indeed closely associated with Claremont.” Yes it is, and The American Conservative is with both, as can be seen in the bios of virtually everyone here: https://quincyinst.org/event/the-new-right-ukraine-marks-major-foreign-policy-shift-among-conservatives/. Hint: “Fellow” means “closely associated.” 

So at least figuratively speaking, Nancy won’t be along on her trip: she’s got the whole “New Right” traveling with her, as one can see below.


‘Nancy, I’ll go with you’: Trump allies back Pelosi’s proposed Taiwan visit

Mike Pompeo and Mark Esper support visit to ‘freedom-loving Taiwan’ but Biden concerned any trip would antagonise Beijing

With one of The American Conservative magazines favorite candidates, CIA (why do Conservatives always include or are led by CIA officers of the most vitriolic, war-inciting type, as we saw in their influence operation of the 1950s?) operative and GWOT “Warrior” Joe Kent out in front in inciting war against China:


China will 

"China will continue to undermine & economically attack us until we act. "Kick the CCP out of US Capital markets. Seize all CCP land in the US, null 50 trillion in debt for COVID reparations, remove all CCP funded entities from the US. "Aggressively onshore. This is our fight."

No “middle-ground” from the extreme militarist Joe Kent, as I can attest having listened to him a few time at The American Conservative’s duplicitous events. (Duplicitous is used to describe someone who intentionally misleads people, especially by saying different things to different people or acting in different ways at different times.) 

Now joining the “New Right” (I guess that means Straussian?) TAC in this by the Quincy Institute in this “cognitive campaign” designed to heighten tensions with China, while appearing to oppose war against Russia, which any sound strategist knows is inevitably doomed to follow a US war against China, and vice versa. 

Caitlin Johnstone sees through the duplicitous cognitive campaigns being waged by the pro-war Trumpites for war against China, as I shared a week or so ago, while the ignoramuses amongst us join in moving the duplicitous lies forward with assertions that there is a difference between “Neocons” and the “Traditional Conservatives,” with both favoring war on China and Iran. Before or after a war on Russia, as can be seen with any close reading. Though that is outside the reach of most people. But it still means active complicity in the war crime of “waging aggressive war,” because it’s a “willful ignorance,” as with the other party and their proxy war on Russia. Which in fact, Trump too advanced that with giving free rein to his militarists to twist arms of NATO members and moving US forces more provocatively into Eastern Europe (remember Camp Trump?). Which doesn’t excuse Biden’s current wars. But to understand the “phenomenon” of war one has to transcend party loyalties, which Americans will never do. 

But at least we should know we’re being lied to. And for you "New Right" China Hawks: Bon Voyage! Say hello Nancy for me.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Chas Freeman via Salon <salon@listserve.com>
Subject: [Salon] Nancy Pelosi to meet Taiwan’s president on Wednesday
Date: August 1, 2022 at 1:20:52 PM CDT
Reply-To: Chas Freeman <cwfresidence@gmail.com>

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