There are many owners of this disaster-including the US. If US cannot even improve Haiti next door how can it fix nations far away?! What has tranpired in ME and Afghanistan interventions was predictable.
The OAS Admits Culpability in the Destruction of Haiti
The tragedy is that given the condition in which international rule has left the country, Haiti simply cannot solve its problems alone.
Haiti: How criminal gangs have taken control
Emboldened by politicians for years, Haitian gangs have equipped themselves with sophisticated weapons and control most of the country's capital Port-au Prince.
Of note:
Some in US think US was capable during era of Marshal Plan;but if they looked more deeply they would know even then US was not as capable as is believed. The countries that were weak (UK, other weak European countries) did not benefit from the aid. Only countries like Germany, Netherlands, France, Italy that had some domestic stengths benefitted from it. UK receive more than 2 times the aid of Germany;and not much to show for it. Soon after it lost India UK started its tax havens to help support itself. Even then, its north has remained in a permanent state of depresion;and its cities are comparable today to Eastern European cities according to British researchers today.