[Salon] Loser Liz Cheney and James Carden on Spinney, RMA and the military-tech chimera

New at Responsible Statecraft today: James Carden on the military's decades-long genuflection to high tech and its "Revolution in Military Affairs" incantations that have brought us nothing but failed programs, and wars. Now NATO wants in on the act. Great quotes from our friend Chuck Spinney: https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2022/08/17/militarys-search-for-tech-zen-goes-transnational/

Also, Hunter DeRensis reminds everyone of why Liz Cheney needed to be thrown out a long time ago: "For two decades this woman has demonstrated an unshakeable commitment to imperialism, manufacturing and spreading war propaganda, and taking pride in torturing terror suspects."
More: https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2022/08/17/loser-liz-cheney-we-knew-ye-and-that-was-the-problem/

have a great day!!



Kelley Beaucar Vlahos
Senior Advisor, Quincy Institute/Editorial Director, Responsible Statecraft 

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