[Salon] Latest Polling Data From Zogby Analytics


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New Zogby Polling Data - Pres. & Vice Pres. Job Approvals



The president's job approval has remained low since our last nationwide poll of likely voters. We asked it two ways this cycle, the first: "Overall, do you approve or disapprove of Joe Biden's job as President?" 43% of U.S. likely voters approved (strongly and somewhat approved combined); 21% strongly approved, 22% somewhat approved. More than half (55%) disapproved; 17% somewhat disapproved and 38% strongly disapproved. Only 2% were not sure.


Of the demographics we surveyed there were a handful of groups where Biden's approval fluctuated. These were region, age, gender, race, income, and education.


New Zogby Polling Data - Cong. Generic and Top Three Issues



Voters were resounding in their view that economic issues were the most critical issues facing the U.S. right now. Of the issues we surveyed, 50% of voters rated inflation in their top three, while in close second was economy/jobs at 46%, followed by almost two in five (38%) of surveyed voters who mentioned gun violence in their top three issues facing the country right now.


A quarter of voters mentioned gas prices (23%), crime (22%) and immigration reform (22%).


The remaining issues that voters included in their top three issues facing the country were political polarization (15%), balance of the Supreme Court (14%), taxes/regulations (14%), racism (13%), income equality (10%), terrorism (10%), cancel culture (9%), and ensuring private healthcare (8%).


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