for Eurocentrics: 1905 Japan defeats Russia. → Russian attention shifts to Balkans. 1914 Parliament dissolves in China. → Russia mobilizes; Great War begins. 1941 Japan attacks USA. → USA enters war against Germany. 1950 Korea attacks itself. → ‘NAT’ gains an ‘O’ and rearms. 1954 Vietnamese defeat French. → West Germany rearms and joins NATO (1955). 1956 Japanese and Soviets issue peace declaration. → Hungarians revolt against Soviets. 1956 Egypt is attacked and defeats attackers (France, Israel, UK). → European Common Market is established (1957). 1973 Vietnamese defeat USA. → October War and oil embargo divide West. for Orientalists: 1895 Russian attention shifts to East Asia. → Japan defeats China. 1898 USA defeats Spanish empire. → USA attention shifts to East Asia and acquires overseas empire. 1933 Hitler made German chancellor. → Japan leaves League of Nations. 1936 Spain attacks itself. → Japan signs Anti-Comintern Pact. 1949 Soviets test atomic weapon. → Chinese Communists defeat Nationalists. 1955 Asians et al. unite at Bandung. → Europeans unite divisively at 1) Warsaw; and 2) Messina. 1997 Bill Clinton begins self-destructive second term. → Asian financial crisis 2022 Russia attacks Ukraine. → [t.b.a.] If you liked this post from Talleyrand, why not share it? © 2022 Talleyrand |