[Salon] The Democratic Party is a Fifth Column for Right-wing Lunacy
- To: "[Salon]" <salon@committeefortherepublic.org>
- Subject: [Salon] The Democratic Party is a Fifth Column for Right-wing Lunacy
- From: Chas Freeman <cwfresidence@gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2022 18:15:38 -0400
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Democratic Party will remain what it is, the left wing of the great
big, media-policed right wing that is allowable American politics."
The Democratic Party is a Fifth Column for Right-wing Lunacy
Hugh Iglarsh
“To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.”
– George Orwell
write about the strange and unstable present moment, or to engage in
political prognostication, is to court not just despair but a certain
disorientation, rooted in the duplicitous – not to say schizoid –
behavior of the Democratic Party.
“Politics ain’t beanbag,” Mr.
Dooley observed long ago, and it’s true: since the dawn of partisan
rivalry, party bosses have often behaved less than nobly in the quest to
grab and hold on to power. But in today’s postmodern landscape, where
engineered perception is all and reality is up for grabs, the
self-styled Party of the People is not content to peddle zircon
candidates as though they were the Hope Diamond.
The stakes have
been raised, and the handsomely compensated consultants who craft
campaigns have moved beyond mere false advertising into CIA-style PsyOp
schemes, manipulating Republican voters into supporting the most extreme
choices in GOP primaries, then turning around and denouncing the
extremist recipients of their largesse as, well, too extreme. In the
process, the Democratic leadership and their hired guns have helped
shift the nation’s political center of gravity – already in dangerously
weird territory – even further to the Right.
How does one wrap
one’s mind around the fact that at the very moment a Democrat-led House
select committee was investigating the January 6 insurrection, the
Democratic Governors Association (DGA) was pouring money into the
primary campaigns of some of the worst of the election denialists, whose
lies fueled the Brownshirt thuggery on that terrible day? Is it
possible that the Democrats don’t understand the risks of working to
strengthen and consolidate the most virulently racist, xenophobic,
misogynistic and anti-democratic forces within the Republican Party?
this sleazy strategy has played out in states ranging from Pennsylvania
to California. As any fool can see, it’s a plan born to backfire. It
already has, repeatedly.
In Maryland, for example, the DGA spent
over $1 million backing the successful primary campaign of GOP
gubernatorial candidate Dan Cox, a man best known for sending busloads
of like-minded Trumpsters to the January 6 Capitol “rally.” He followed
up that gesture with a tweet, sent as the Capitol was being breached,
that called Mike Pence a traitor for not torpedoing the 2020 election,
thus bringing the American experiment in self-government to an
inglorious end. If voted into office, Cox – who spent just $21,000 of
his own money on TV and radio ads in his Democrat-subsidized primary bid
– pledges to conduct a “forensic audit” of the 2020 election, which
Trump lost by some 7 million votes.
After the election,
Maryland’s Republican Governor Larry Hogan labeled his own party’s
winner a “QAnon whack job” whose victory was the result of
“unprecedented collusion between the Democratic Governors Association
and Donald Trump.” He’s right about the collusion. But sadly, it’s not
unprecedented, and it’s far from unique.
In my own home state of
Illinois, I couldn’t help noticing that the political ads were even more
numerous, nasty, imbecilic and generally unbearable than usual this
primary season, especially in regard to the Republican gubernatorial
race. The early favorite was the African-American mayor of Aurora,
Richard Irvin. A political cipher, Irvin was the plaything of hedge-fund
billionaire Ken Griffin, who supported his campaign to the tune of $50
million, merely to annoy incumbent Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker,
Griffin’s fellow billionaire and object of chronic dislike. Pritzker saw
Griffin’s bid and raised the ante, donating $24 million to the DGA, on
top of the $62 million he spent on his own basically uncontested primary
campaign. The DGA then poured his money into ads attacking Irvin and
implicitly backing one of Irvin’s fringier foes, wealthy downstate
farmer, businessman and all-around yahoo Darren Bailey.
A lover
of guns and embryos, but not of city slickers, Bailey in 2019 backed the
creation of something called New Illinois, which would be just like Old
Illinois only without Chicago, the state’s major city and economic
engine. Not big on tact or timing, Bailey tweeted “Let’s move on and
celebrate the independence of this nation” less than two hours after the
July 4 mass shooting in suburban Highland Park, while the gunman was
still at large. He is also on record stating his belief that the
Holocaust is as nothing compared with the harm done by women with
unwanted pregnancies who would prefer not to serve as involuntary
All those billionaire bucks oozed through the
corporate media like toxic sludge, resulting in a purely ad-driven, ad
hominem campaign that made Trump rallies look like the Lincoln-Douglas
debates. Lacking any substance, the Illinois primary season was a Hunter
Thompson-style orgy of fear and loathing, and voters, not unreasonably,
stayed away in droves. In the end, the contest went to the
Trump-endorsed Bailey, who has dismissed the congressional committee
investigating the January 6 uprising as “nonsense.”
Governor Pritzker (who is widely believed to have presidential hopes)
has already begun attacking his handpicked opponent for the gonzo
extremism that Pritzker himself has so widely publicized. Pritzker
recently gave an Oscar-worthy performance of feigned indignation at
Bailey’s odious Holocaust comparison, insisting on an apology from the
man whose political ambitions he has bankrolled.
With a rich
man’s insouciance, Pritzker shrugs aside the ethical implications of his
own hypocrisy, nothing that he’s just trying “to get Democrats elected
and to beat Republicans.” Of course the end justifies the means. Of
course politics, like business, is just a cynical game, played by
cold-eyed operators and those who can afford their services. Of
courseonly chumps and eggheads question the wisdom of amplifying the
venomous messages of the quasi-fascist Right, or worry about the
corruption of political discourse and its cumulative effect on voter
participation and democratic legitimacy.
At least in Illinois, a
solidly blue state, there may be some validity to the argument that a
hard-Right Republican candidate has less chance of winning statewide
office than an ostensibly moderate one. (Although the governor preceding
Pritzker was Bruce Rauner, a deeply reactionary billionaire.) But this
is not necessarily the case in purple Pennsylvania, where the Democratic
death wish manifests itself in the party’s support for gubernatorial
candidate Doug Mastriano, a full-fledged MAGA acolyte and QAnon
adherent, or at least fellow traveler.
Like Cox of Maryland,
Mastriano – who has been subpoenaed by the House select committee –
arranged transportation for January 6 “protestors.” Mastriano actually
took part in the Mussolini-like march on the Capitol, and was reportedly
seen breaching police barricades. Working with the Trump campaign, he
led the mendacious effort to decertify Biden’s win in Pennsylvania, a
thought to keep in mind should he win the governorship and be in
position to appoint his own secretary of state, in charge of running
Keystone State elections and counting the votes.
And then there’s
Mastriano’s connection to Andrew Torba, a fellow who brings together
the less likeable attributes of Steve Bannon, Cotton Mather, Torquemada
and the Taliban. Torba apparently serves as consultant for Mastriano,
who has spent $5,000 advertising on Torba’s Gab social media site, the
platform of choice for synagogue shooters, “Great Replacement” theory
true believers and other members of the rabid Right. Torba has declared
that the conservative cause is an “explicitly Christian movement” with
no room for Jews and other infidels. He has also described the U.S. as
“an explicitly Christian country,” a statement that can only be
described as sounding not only explicitly anti-Semitic (and
anti-everything else), but also explicitly un-American, at least to
those who are aware of the First Amendment.
A self-described
Christian nationalist who sees evidence everywhere of the
“Judeo-Bolshevik” conspiracy, Torba calls Josh Shapiro, Mastriano’s
Democratic opponent, a “Soros puppet,” a reference to wealthy Jewish
philanthropist George Soros. And he lauds good buddy Mastriano as an
outspoken Christian who “answers only to Jesus Christ” rather than, say,
his constituents, or at least the non-churchgoing ones.
Jews and others feel threatened by this overtly theocratic stance, Torba
explains that, “You’re not going to be forced to convert or anything
like this because that’s not biblical whatsoever. But you’re going to
enjoy the fruits of living in a Christian society under Christian laws
and under a Christian culture and you can thank us later.” Torba
underscores his personal commitment to old-time love-your-enemies
Christian culture by referring to Shapiro, currently Pennsylvania’s
attorney general, as “this Antichrist.”
So how did Shapiro and
the Pennsylvania Democratic Party he represents respond to this tidal
wave of Christo-fascist bullying and bigotry? By this point, you can
probably guess. Shapiro lavished $840,000 on TV commercials flaunting
Mastriano’s face and record, more than twice what the GOP candidate
spent on himself. Partly as a result of all this media presence, which
floated down like manna from heaven, Mastriano won the primary contest
handily, defeating the more moderate second-place finisher by a full 23
percentage points.
For an Antichrist, Shapiro sure knows how to turn the other cheek.
going to have to send [Shapiro] a thank-you card,” snickered Mastriano
afterward. But the joke will be on the public, if an election denier
with ties to hardcore Christian dominionists becomes governor of the
country’s fifth-largest state, thanks in part to a risky, two-faced show
of support by his liberal Jewish Democratic rival.
And the list
goes on. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spent hundreds
of thousands of dollars meddling in a Michigan primary pitting Peter
Meijer – one of only 10 House Republicans to vote for impeaching Trump
following the January 6 uprising that he provoked – against former Trump
administration official and election denialist John Gibbs. Of course,
the DCCC money backed Gibbs, an extremist by any standard, who supports
the honking mad “Spirit Cooking”conspiracy theory, which holds that top
Democrats routinely engage in demonic rites involving a smorgasbord of
bodily parts and fluids. It’s clear to Mr. Gibbs’ fevered cerebrum that
the Democrats are cannibalistic fiends who will stop at nothing to
impose their satanic liberal vision on God’s own City on a Hill.
Democrats reacted to these demented attacks by building up Gibbs’
campaign, leaving his saner opponent – who imperiled his nascent
political career by voting his conscience – to dangle in the wind.
Meijer ended up losing to Gibbs in a tight race, which might have gone
the other way were it not for the DCCC’s loon-boosting gesture.
California, Big Lie advocate Chris Mathys ran against David Valadao,
another honorable conservative who sided against Trump. During the
primary campaign, Nancy Pelosi’s House Majority PAC spent over $100,000
to broadcast a shameful ad that trumpeted, “David Valadao claims he’s
Republican – yet David Valadao voted to impeach President Trump!”
Nevertheless, Valadao won in a close race.
This result probably
would have saddened Speaker Pelosi, except that she was busy at the time
organizing the House committee investigating the January 6 attempted
putsch, which was rooted in the election theft malarkey peddled by her
boy, Mathys. Recently, Pelosi wept crocodile tears about right-wing
threats made against the FBI, blaming the GOP for “instigating assaults
on law enforcement” – as her own party, under her direction, incites
Republicans to vote for the major instigators.
In Colorado,
Democratic PACs and allied “nonprofits” spent about $7 million (and
probably far more) to raise the profile of three far-Right House, Senate
and gubernatorial candidates. The trio of aid recipients were believers
in the stolen election canard, with one of them (Senate candidate Ron
Hanks) actually attending the January 6 pre-riot rally. Fortunately, all
three Trumpian bitter-enders lost, despite the best efforts of their
supposed ideological adversaries.
And let’s not forget Kari Lake,
a telegenic one-time news anchor and full-time reality rejectionist
running for governor of Arizona. Like her idol, Donald Trump, she enjoys
dodging questions, slagging the media and alleging fraud prior to the
actual election. Her goal, should she become governor, is to finish the
“big, beautiful wall” on the Arizona-Mexico border. She won the primary
in a close contest.
Lake’s Democratic opponent, Katie Hobbs,
describes the upcoming general election as a “choice between sanity and
chaos.” The Arizona Democratic Party sided firmly with chaos during the
primary season, e-blasting a press releasethanking Lake’s opponent, the
relatively moderate Karrin Taylor Robinson, for past donations to state
Democratic candidates. This malicious little favor on behalf of a sworn
enemy of election integrity paved the way for Lake’s victory in another
swing state.
Said anti-Trump Republican Adam Kinzinger of the
Democrats’ pattern of interference: “Don’t come to me after having spent
money supporting an election denier in a primary, and then come to me
and say, ‘Where are all the good Republicans?’” Kinzinger himself has
been rewarded for his staunch defense of democratic principles by being
redistricted out of his central Illinois seat by Democratic legislators
in Springfield, who seem to believe that no Republican good deed should
go unpunished – and no Republican bad actor should go unfunded.
so the Democrats pursue this strange, ambivalent relationship with the
most troglodytic Trumpsters, backing and then assailing election
denialists the way the Party in Orwell’s 1984 both engenders and attacks
Emmanuel Goldstein, its compatible and necessary “enemy.” The
Democratic power brokers insist that throwing their weight behind
foaming-at-the-mouth Trump cultists – at the same moment they’re working
to expose Republican extremism and persuade a reluctant attorney
general to indict the ringleaders – is just politics as usual.
the sad thing is, it’s pretty much true. As members of a Wall
Street-funded, consensus-seeking, status quo-oriented, non-boat-rocking,
professional class-based party that is conspicuously short on social
vision or political convictions, the mainstream Democrats are in no
position to run on their own merits. Fully aware of the party’s
irrelevance to working-class voters, leaders feel they have no choice
but to go deep-down negative, to the point of aiding and abetting the
most toxic and dangerous elements within the “opposition.” Whatever the
Bidens and Schumers and Pelosis say, the party’s own actions and
spending decisions reveal it to be not so much a counterforce to the
extreme Right as an enabler of its most repugnant excesses.
hazardous, morally bankrupt back-the-wingnut maneuver is more than an
electoral ploy. It is a shaping, all-purpose strategy, intended to help
the party finesse its internal contradictions and marginalize what
centrist leaders consider the true long-term threat to their power and
privileges: the progressive insurgents within the party’s own ranks. It
is these outsiders who threaten to inject the awkward reality of class
conflict – the hippopotamus in the living room of American politics –
into the discussion. Such talk is drowned out by the buzzing idiocy that
is Trumpism.
Half conspiracy, half tantrum, the radical Right
and its never-ending culture wars serve a vital purpose for politicians
on both sides of the aisle. In a nation where money talks, billionaires
reign and an organized Left barely exists, the Trumpists’ way-out
beliefs and aberrant behavior draw attention away from the intractable
problems of ever-growing inequality and the ongoing collapse of the
public sphere.
Thus we see why, as the middle class dwindles and
democratic values fade, both major parties collude to push the system
toward breakdown. For the Republicans, Trumpism turns politics into an
emotionally cathartic Two Minutes Hate that shifts blame from the nature
of the system itself onto selected, socially acceptable targets, under
the pseudo-reassuring gaze of a demagogic strongman. Meanwhile, the
Democrats furtively nudge the “opposition” toward ever-expanding
craziness, in order to revitalize a party so compromised and tired out
that its only message to progressive, working-class and minority voters
is, It’s either us or Trump, so hold your nose and do your duty … or
The thought that Donald Trump is the best friend of the
Democrats is an odd and dispiriting one. But from a certain angle, we
can see that he is a godsend for a party that (apart from its
Sanders-Squad wing) has little to say for itself and acts not as a
dynamic force in the public arena, but rather as a pathetically weak
reed against further political regression.
Lacking an energizing,
forward-looking program or an expansive, well-defined base, and
possessing a purely negative identity, the corporate Dems are bound to
their supposed antithesis – the corrupt, despicable Trump and his
“basket of deplorables” – in a tight dialectical embrace. (Just as Trump
is enmeshed with the demon liberals who in fact agree with him on
fundamental goals – preserving capitalist and imperialist hegemony – and
disagree mainly on means and tone.) The mainstream Democrats, who offer
mealy-mouthed bipartisanship and paralysis in the face of burgeoning
fascism and systemic collapse, can maintain any sort of distinguishing
progressive image only by drawing out the most repulsively backward and
authoritarian elements within the GOP. Which is to say, by exacerbating
governmental crisis and making a bad social and political situation
It is fair to note that if Trump didn’t exist, it would be
necessary for the Democrats to invent him. And indeed, to some extent,
they did just that.
During the 2016 campaign, the Hillary Clinton
campaign made a secret, top-level decision to “elevate” Trump to
“leader of the [GOP] pack” status, as it seemed impossible that such an
obvious grifter, liar, ignoramus and sociopath could win the general
election. (The tactic was exposed by WikiLeaks founder Julien Assange,
one reason the Democrats have cooperated so enthusiastically in his
persecution.) Known as the “Pied Piper” strategy, this Machiavellian
meddling reveals a party that does not trust the strength and appeal of
its own message and candidates, and so feels obligated to sabotage the
other side. It’s the sort of dirty trick that shows not only
deviousness, but also profound insecurity. And we know how it worked
The growing presence of the extreme Right, combined with a
reactionary Supreme Court and systematic state-level GOP gerrymandering
and voter suppression, allow the mainstream Democrats to do what they do
best: whine helplessly, give in quickly and fundraise tirelessly. With
every new judicial or legislative outrage against democracy and/or
decency, Democratic political organizations spam the liberal universe,
asking its friends not to rise up in the streets, but rather to dig
deeply into their pockets, in order to further enrich the already
bulging war chests of the Democratic incumbents on whose watch these
outrages occurred.
The Pied Piper stratagem, with its
philosophical core of crackpot pragmatism, can work, at least for
politicians whose sole aim is to hold on to power for its own sake and
who have no objection to poisoning the wells of public trust and
democratic norms. In 2012, the gambit worked for former Missouri Senator
Claire McCaskill, who spent $1.7 million on primary ads touting the
dubious virtues of a fanatical Teabagger and loose cannon named Todd
Akin, best known for explaining to a skeptical world that sexual assault
cannot lead to pregnancy, as “the female body has ways to shut that
whole thing down” during a “legitimate” rape. No dewy-eyed
sentimentalist, Akin also noted that folks with cancer who couldn’t
afford private health insurance “have to start being held accountable
for their decisions.”
McCaskill’s false-flag ad barrage far
outspent Akin’s own campaign. Thanks to his opponent’s kind support,
Akin won the GOP nomination, then lost to McCaskill in the general
But McCaskill now warns fellow Democrats against
automatically following her lead. “It’s certainly different now today
than it was a decade ago,” she recently explained to an NPR interviewer.
“When Todd Akin said what I expected him to say, something that was off
the wall in the general election, unlike today, the Republican
leadership all came together and rejected him. … I’m not sure you could
count on Republican leaders to stand up and reject a candidate that said
things that were abhorrent to most voters.”
Indeed, things are
different than they were 10 years ago, in that hazy pre-Trump era,
before the Republican Party went hog-wild for its grubby little
narcissistic fuehrer, the incarnation of everything cheap, vile and
rotten in American culture. But we should not forget that mainstream
Democrats of the calculating McCaskill sort are co-conspirators in the
Trumpification of U.S. politics, and that they are almost as dependent
as the GOP on the braying voice and unhinged presence of the
spray-tanned sadist.
So what is to be done? On an immediate and
surface level, liberals and progressives must become aware of the
Democratic Party’s fork-tongued policy of funding and fanning the
noxious views it supposedly abhors. As a tactic, it is self-evidently
cynical, fraudulent, demoralizing and dangerous. It is, to use a quaint
term, wrong. It must be made clear that support for the far Right is
support for the far Right, whether it comes from a billionaire named
Koch or one named Pritzker – and that such behavior, under whatever
pretext, is reprehensible and unacceptable.
On a deeper plane,
those who wish to save the Democratic Party from itself – assuming that
it’s worth saving, an arguable proposition – must work to democratize an
institution that every day makes a mockery of its own name. The
right-wing kook-coddling and Pied Piperism that have become Democratic
SOP isn’t just hypocritical flim-flam. It’s a kamikaze tactic that
reveals desperation and a lack of long-term prospects, not to mention
principles. It’s the kind of scheme that could arise only from a party
with little connection to the ordinary people that it supposedly
champions, but that in actuality treats as a dimwitted demographic to be
gulled and patronized before the election, and ritually forgotten
At this point, the Democratic Party is essentially a
faux-political marketing organization, run by mercenaries and driven by
advertising. It is good at denouncing trolls – a worthy and necessary
task – but bad at the hard, collective work of generating real
platforms, ideas, values and solidarity. Lacking galvanizing goals or
aspirations, the party gravitates toward fear and anxiety, the great
motivators in an atomized, competitive, surveilled society. For the
party to function year after year, that fear must be constantly renewed
and intensified. Just as the state security apparatus requires the
looming menace of terrorism to justify its existence, so the Democrats
need a psycho Right. Hence they do what they can to ensure that the
one-time Party of Lincoln becomes completely and eternally the Party of
By now, the dynamic is firmly entrenched. The only way to
change the party is to liberate it from the jaded insiders who run it
and create some sort of accountability to those whom it claims to serve,
but always betrays. By rejecting fear as its major (indeed, only)
argument and embracing a progressive social democratic program – that
is, mobilizing the tuned-out masses to create a more just and
sustainable society, one with a decent floor and a reasonable ceiling,
where billionaires are not pandered to but rather taxed out of existence
– the rejuvenated Democrats could halt the tectonic rightward shift of
American politics. If the Democrats were to shift direction and offer
voters hope and connection and genuine democracy instead of fear and
loathing and a marginally less awful plutocracy, the Republicans, I
suspect, would have no choice but to come to their senses and reject
their own reality-denying ways. And the country would no longer dance on
the brink of the abyss, as it has at least since November of 2016.
a radically broken world we live in, and only radical change can mend
it. If we fail to demand those changes, the Democratic Party will remain
what it is, the left wing of the great big, media-policed right wing
that is allowable American politics. The Democrats’ role in funding and
supporting the radical Right is compelling evidence of just how tightly
integrated and coordinated the system is, and how superficial and
theatrical are the apparent oppositions within a larger, unified whole.
At bottom, the passionate partisan conflict that absorbs so much of our
attention is an elaborate good cop/bad cop routine. It’s high time we
realized that they’re all just cops – with their own agenda, which is
not ours – and demand something more truthful and meaningful, and less
conniving and absurd
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