[Salon] A Chinese view of the tightening situation on the Korean Peninisula


Xiangshan Forum | The situation on the Korean Peninsula is tightening. Expert: Poor control or risk of conflict

The picture of North Korea's supreme leader Kim Jong-un and his daughter in the same frame twice recently attracted the attention of all parties. One appeared at the test site of the new "Mars Cannon-17" intercontinental ballistic missile test on November 18, and the other was taken a photo with those who had made contributions to the test launch of the intercontinental missile. On the back of this father-daughter relationship is the intensified and increasingly tense situation on the peninsula of North Korea's nuclear forces.

On November 27, 2022 local time, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (middle) and his daughter (right) waved to scientists, technicians, officials and other staff involved in the test launch of the Mars-17 intercontinental ballistic missile. People's Vision

On November 18, 2022 local time in Pyongyang, North Korea, North Korea's Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un (right) and his daughter Kim Soo-ai inspected a missile at Pyongyang International Airport. North Korean state media said that North Korea's supreme leader Kim Jong-un supervised the launch of the Mars-17 missile. People's Vision Data Map

At that time, the Korean Central News Agency reported that the combat performance of the new Mars Cannon-17 intercontinental ballistic missile as the world's strongest strategic weapon has been verified. Kim Jong-un said, "It will resolutely answer the positive confrontation of the United States with nuclear weapons and positive confrontation." The extremely dangerous situation is even more urgent for us to substantially accelerate the escalation of the overwhelming nuclear containment.

After the large-scale joint military exercises between the United States and South Korea and North Korea responded with a series of high-frequency radio guides, the successful test launch of the Mars Cannon-17 was regarded as a further warming of the situation on the peninsula. Jiang Xinfeng, a researcher at the Chinese People's Liberation Army Academy of Military Sciences and an expert at the 2022 Beijing Xiangshan Forum, pointed out to The Paper (www.thepaper.cn) that the situation on the peninsula may become tense again, and if it is not well controlled, there may be a risk of conflict. North Korea has further strengthened its anti-American stance, and South Korea has strengthened the trend of the United States, and continues to develop a comprehensive strategic alliance between South Korea and the United States.

After the roar of the Mars Cannon-17, the U.S. Department of the Treasury issued a statement on December 1 local time, announcing sanctions on three North Korean officials related to the development of weapons and ballistic missiles. On the 2nd, the South Korean government announced that eight additional individuals and seven units to help North Korea develop nuclear guidance and circumvent sanctions on the unilateral sanctions list against North Korea, keeping pace with the United States.

"The situation on the Korean Peninsula is very serious, which is a trend of strengthening." Wen Zhengren, chairman of the Sejong Institute of Korea and vice chairman of the Asia-Pacific Leading Group on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, said in response to questions from The Paper at the 2022 Beijing Xiangshan Forum on December 1 that North Korea and the United States should exercise restraint, North Korea should no longer conduct nuclear tests, and South Korea should not participate in more joint military exercises. Communication has brought North Korea back to the track of exchange and dialogue.

"Master the world's strongest strategic force"

According to the Korean Central News Agency, on November 18, the new Mars Gun-17 intercontinental ballistic missile was launched at Pyongyang International Airport, rising at an altitude of 6040.9 kilometers and a flight distance of 999.2 kilometers. Kim Jong-un pointed out that another trusted and most reliable capability of the nuclear armed forces to ensure that it can contain any nuclear threat has been reaffirmed.

This is North Korea's launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles after 15 days. According to Yonhap News Agency, the South Korean army and experts generally believe that the strike range of the new "Mars Cannon-17" intercontinental ballistic missile launched by North Korea can cover the whole territory of the United States. North Korea's missile technology has made considerable progress, and it is speculated that the possibility of North Korea to carry out the seventh nuclear test has further increased.

Regarding the speculation that the United States, Japan and South Korea believe that North Korea may conduct a seventh nuclear test, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that China hopes that the relevant parties will face up to the root causes and context of the long-standing stalemate in the situation on the Korean Peninsula and do something conducive to enhancing mutual trust and solving the concerns of all parties in a balanced manner.

Focusing on the actual capability of the Mars Cannon-17, Ralph Savillesberg, an associate professor of missile defense at the Dutch National Defense Academy, told the U.S. media that its payload is about 2 tons and can reach almost anywhere on the continental United States. If the load is lighter, it can fly longer. This will be a concern for the United States, because it can bypass the U.S. missile defense system.

North Korea's launch prompted U.S. Vice President Harris to convene allies during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Bangkok to hold an emergency meeting to condemn North Korea's intercontinental ballistic missile launch with Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

It is worth noting that after the test launch of the Mars Cannon-17, Kim Jong-un not only took a photo with his daughter with relevant meritorious personnel for the first time, but also ordered the promotion of the ranks of leading cadres and scientists of the national defense scientific research department. Kim Jong-un said in his order that the great cause of nuclear power construction is the greatest and most important revolutionary undertaking, and its ultimate goal is to master the world's strongest strategic force.

North Korea once again stressed that it would strengthen nuclear power construction, but the attention of the outside world was focused on the little girl in the group photo who was held by Kim Jong-un, which was described as "the General Secretary and his precious daughter". The outside world began to speculate about the girl's future. According to the analysis in the journal of Diplomatic Scholar, the girl was still young, and Kim Jong-un let her appear in these events. Perhaps just want to emphasize that the country's goal of gaining the world's strongest strategic force is not only his dream, but also to become the goal of generations to defend North Korea. Mark.

The U.S. policy towards North Korea is more offensive and adventurous.

Regarding the test launch of the new "Mars Cannon-17" new intercontinental ballistic missile, North Korea said that "the military confrontation between the United States and other hostile forces has arbitrarily crossed the red line", forcing the situation to approach the dangerous edge, and the North Korea categorically test-fire under the circumstances that cannot be ignored.

In early October, the U.S. and South Korean armies carried out training for bombing imaginary targets, with the participation of four South Korean F15 fighters and U.S. F16 fighters. Immediately after that, the two armies launched a large-scale air exercise "Vigilant Storm" in early November. Park Chung-tian, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, issued a speech saying that the "Warning Storm" is an aggressive and provocative military exercise of North Korea. If the United States and South Korea attempt to use force against North Korea. Force will pay the most terrible price in history.

Even with repeated warnings from North Korea, the plan for the U.S.-South Korean military exercise continues to progress, and constantly condemns North Korea's missile test as a "provocation". According to Yonhap News Agency, the United States and South Korea discussed the joint submarine exercise code-named "Silent Shark" in the middle of next year. Unlike anti-submarine exercises, this exercise simulates the detection, tracking and strike of enemy submarines. In addition, the South Korean Marine Corps is also considering sending troops to San Diego, California, to hold a joint South Korean-American military exercise in May or October next year. If the plan is implemented, it will be the first South Korean-US joint performance in the United States.

Jiang Xinfeng pointed out that North Korea has conducted missile tests many times, and the aggressive and adventurous policies of the United States and South Korea towards North Korea have increased. Moreover, after the Biden administration came to power, it particularly emphasized the importance of allies and partners, bringing allies into small circles and intensifying camp confrontations. Especially since this year, the United States has accelerated the military cooperation between the United States, Japan and South Korea and held many joint military exercises, which has not only exacerbated tensions on the peninsula, but also negatively affected peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

In November, the heads of the United States, Japan and South Korea held summits during the ASEAN summit, and the three parties agreed to share the alarm information of North Korea's missiles in real time. U.S. President Biden also told Japan and South Korea that he would strengthen the "extended deterrent of the United States, including nuclear weapons" and "our cooperation has become stronger than ever before".

In the additional sanctions against North Korea on December 1, the U.S. government specifically mentioned that the measures were carried out in coordination with South Korea and Japan. The New York Times said that the U.S., Japanese and South Korean governments believe that North Korea may conduct its seventh nuclear weapons test at any time. If North Korea does so, the United States and its allies may find that they are bound when seeking to punish North Korea. In November, the United Nations Security Council failed to pass new sanctions against North Korea, and China and Russia, which have veto power in the Security Council, opposed the sanctions proposal led by the United States.

Beware of regional arms race

In the tense atmosphere on the Korean peninsula, the military cooperation between the United States, Japan and South Korea has rapidly warmed up, and military exercises with the participation of three sides have been held many times. Yu Shougen, director of the South Korean East Asia Research Institute and president of the South Korea-China Global Association, said in an interview with the media that promoting the relationship between the South Korean-US-Japanese alliance has a strong Cold War mentality in the 20th century.

Driven by the United States, Japan has amplified regional security issues, created an atmosphere of security anxiety and tension, and is accelerating the pace of strengthening the expansion of troops. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida recently instructed that the defense fee should be increased to 2% of gross domestic product (GDP) by 2027. He said that according to the harsh security environment in East Asia, it should not be too late. Yomiuri Shimbun reported on November 27 that the Japanese government and the ruling party have begun to coordinate with the goal of increasing the total defense cost of the Medium-term Defense Preparation Plan to 40 trillion in the five years from 2023.

In addition to the surge in defense costs, the Japanese government also said that in view of the improved missile capabilities of neighboring countries, it discussed the existence of a "counterattack capability" to fight enemy missile launch bases, and intends to include this content in three security documents, including the national security security strategy. Asahi Shimbun pointed out that if it has the ability to counterattack, it will be a major turnaround in Japan's defense policy. Based on the Japanese-US security treaty, the traditional division of labor between the U.S. military for attacking the enemy for the "spear" and the self-defense forces for defending the "shield" will change.

Jiang Xinfeng said that in order to "fundamentally strengthen its defense force" in the next five years, Japan will also significantly increase its military expenditure, which needs to be highly vigilant by the international community. South Korea is also developing its military strength, and its military offensive is becoming increasingly prominent. This may trigger a regional arms race, lead to an increased risk-taking military confrontation between the parties concerned, and push the regional situation into a tense confrontation.

South Korea, in its "National Defense Innovation 4.0" development blueprint released in July, the South Korean army established the development concept of "consolidating the national defense, scientific and technological strength", that is, on the basis of strengthening the construction of traditional and conventional military forces, develop and parallel modern new equipment, and expand network forces and space forces at the same time.

Against the background of frequent radio guidance from North Korea, South Korea's ruling National Forces Party proposed in October that South Korea also needed to redeploy tactical nuclear weapons. According to the Korean National Daily, South Korea's ruling party advocates raising deterrence against North Korea and adopting a tough strategy. However, it was pointed out that the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons violates the principle of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and the deployment depends on the United States. In this regard, South Korean President Yin Xiyue said that as president, it is not appropriate to make a public statement on this. He is listening to and considering the opinions of South Korea and the U.S. government and opposition, but he showed that North Korea's continuous development and development of nuclear weapons poses a threat to South Korea and even the world.

"There should be a dialogue between North Korea and South Korea, and China should also play its role in bridging the differences between North and South Korea, or communicating between North and South Korea and North Korea and the United States." Wen Zhengren said.

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, when attending the 77th United Nations General Assembly at United Nations Headquarters in New York in September this year, said that China has always been a mediator on hot issues. To solve the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, we should clean the source, adhere to the principle of "two-track parallel progress" and "phased and synchronous", jointly maintain peace and stability on the peninsula, and solve the problem through dialogue and negotiation.

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