[Salon] The state of Israel slides closer to fascism

The state of Israel slides closer to fascism

Summary: while Benjamin Netanyahu continues his courtship of fascist politicians, Palestinians continue to suffer under occupation with leaders in the West and even some in the Middle East showing unwavering support for Israel.

The normalization of violence towards Palestinians continues its disturbing trend as Benjamin Netanyahu knits together what Akiva Eldar the political analyst and Haaretz contributor recently called “the most zealous government since the establishment of the state of Israel.” Netanyahu has already agreed to give the racist politician Itamar Ben-Gvir the post of national security minister and he is in negotiations with another anti-Arab extremist, Bezalel Smotrich who is likely to be given the finance ministry portfolio.

Ben-Gvir has condemned the 10 day jail sentence handed down to an IDF soldier for assaulting an Israeli peace activist in Hebron and called the police officer who murdered an unarmed Palestinian on 1 December a “hero.”   The link is here. (Warning: the video is disturbing and you may not wish to view it.) He has previously said that Palestinian stone throwers should be responded to with live fire.

Smotrich, in calling for Israel to become a theocratic state based on the Torah could be considered more extreme, though both share a deeply racist ideology of hatred towards the Palestinians. Among other agendas, he has pushed for maternity wards to be segregated saying his wife “would not want to sleep next to someone who just gave birth to a baby who might want to murder her baby in twenty years.”

Both men are skilful demagogues who use extreme nationalist rhetoric to fire up their supporters and to play on fear and prejudice.  As Netanyahu courts them after the Knesset elections that saw their parties secure 14 seats that will provide him with the majority he needs to govern and escape a pending court case, they are enjoying the stage he has provided them with. And they are using it skilfully to enhance their political ambitions.

There ought to be no surprise: Ben-Gvir and Smotrich have for years made clear their racism. Their ideology was already gaining an acceptance with a wider Jewish public, most notably young Israelis. It is their election wins and Netanyahu’s legal travails that have given them political traction.

Israel's far-right lawmaker Itamar Ben-Gvir shaking hands with UAE ambassador Mohamed Al Khaja at the United Arab Emirates embassy in Tel Aviv during the UAE's 51st National Day event, 1 December 2022 [photo credit: screengrab]

A prescient article published by Haaretz before the 1 November election detailed the ecstatic reception Ben-Gvir was given at a Tel Aviv high school, greeted with the anti-Arab racist chant “your village should burn.” Shortly afterward he came upon a group of Tel Aviv Scouts at a park outing where the reception was “even more enthusiastic.”

The article quotes Zeev Degani the principal of another Tel Aviv high school, Gymnasia Herzliya, inveighing against the decision to give Ben-Gvir school access:

I obviously believe in free speech but free speech is only one element in a democracy. Something even more basic is knowledge, and when you have kids, like we have here, who grow up quite ignorant about what’s going on around them, you’re asking for trouble when you invite a fascist propagandist like Ben-Gvir in – especially considering that kids by nature are drawn to extremists.

And he admitted to being surprised at the reception the avowed racist received:

I know I shouldn’t be, because surveys have shown that young Israelis are far more racist than their European counterparts. But still, the admiration these kids showed for him was a bit shocking. I guess that’s what happens when there’s so much emphasis on nationalism in the educational system and as we know, there’s a very small distance between nationalism and fascism.

That distance has now been bridged as the abuse of Palestinians escalates. Where the killing of a wounded Palestinian attacker six years ago occasioned some soul searching and a brief prison sentence for the soldier who executed the attacker with a shot to the head, the murder of an unarmed Palestinian, shot twice as he scuffled with a police officer and then twice more as he lay on the ground passes by, with Ben-Gvir, a powerful and prominent politician, saluting the killer.

Just this past week, a primary school in the West Bank was demolished after the children were herded out by the IDF, a rights activist already stripped of his Jerusalem residency permit was threatened with deportation to France to where his wife and children have already been deported, an Arab reporter was surrounded on air by young settlers  chanting “death to the Arabs”, another young Palestinian was shot dead by the IDF, four in one day and then two more later in the week.

As attack piles upon attack, incident upon incident the  violence is not just normalized it is weaponized by the Israeli state which behaves with the sort of impunity which can only be secured through the acquiescence of the UK, Europe and the United States.

Nour Odeh, the Palestinian journalist and political analyst speaking on the same programme as Akiva Eldar talked of the “elephant in the room”, the international community which has “allowed Israel to get away with all these acts of aggression…countries have even gone so far as to consider the Palestinian flag and keffiyah as symbols of incitement. That’s how far the international community has gone to mute Palestinian voices and silence their narrative.”

Amidst the international silence the careers of Smotrich and Ben-Gvir flourish. Indeed the acquiescence lies not only at the door of Western governments. On 30 November Ben-Gvir took up the invitation from the UAE ambassador to attend a reception at the Emirati embassy on the occasion of the UAE National Day. He was warmly received by the ambassador and declared “this is what peace looks like.”

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