[Salon] With Unbridled Power, Israel's Religious Monstrosity Will Cannibalize Itself


" [T]his is what the state has done to religion: It turned Israeli Haredim into junkies addicted to public funds, and religious Zionism into an unbridled fascist gang. But unlike the Haredim, who are only a threat to the wallet, religious Zionism is a real existential threat. Because this is history’s rule: Give monotheistic religion authority, an army and territory, and what you get is a monster that is destined to destroy itself. And to this rule, alas, there are no exceptions."

With Unbridled Power, Israel's Religious Monstrosity Will Cannibalize Itself 

B. Michael   December 13, 2022

Endless discussions, articles and studies have addressed the question of what religion does to the state. But it is fairly difficult to find discussions, articles and studies that address the question. This is also worth discussing. 

First, let’s identify them. Deducting the smaller streams that have less of a presence in the Israeli experience, there are really only two main religious groups: the Haredim, and those that call themselves “religious Zionism.” Historically, the two have been extremely hostile to each other. The Haredim fiercely clung to their outlook that sees Zionism and patriotism as an evil transgression, forbidden by halacha, and fought ferociously to maintain this prohibition. So it was prior to the state’s founding and until shortly after its founding. 

“Religious Zionism,” an _expression_ that is nearly as oxymoronic as “Jewish and democratic,” was always a bit of a hybrid: closer to Western culture, scrupulously observant of the mitzvot, but tagging after very-very secular Zionism. The religious Zionists did not feature prominently in the legendary efforts of the pre-State era. They were not the pioneers, not part of the tower-and-stockade campaign, not in the Palmach, only a little bit in the underground militias, not generals, and they founded only a handful of kibbutzim. And as they were for the most part middle-class academics, they became objects of scorn for the rough-hewn sabras and were frequently taunted. This was enough to cause them to develop plenty of paranoia and frustration. 

Then the state was established. And then the corruption began as well. The first to be corrupted were the Haredim. David Ben-Gurion got things started, when he opted to add them to his first coalition and keep the socialist Mapam party out of his government. At first, they were hesitant about helping themselves to the goodies that come with power. But they quickly got used to that. 

And after years of being fattened up on money and power, they underwent a metamorphosis: A once-proud community that was devoted to the Torah and its principles, that had a complex worldview, turned into a sour bunch of beggars and emptyheaded idlers. Attached to the teats of the kingdom, they took the craft of political prostitution to new heights. Willing to comply with any governmental whim, as long as the payoff was rich enough. And in order to continue dipping into the public wallet, they even agreed to join ranks with the ones they formerly despised, and to become Zionist nationalists. The current spiritual representatives of this camp are Moshe Gafni, Goldknopf and Arye Dery. 

The corruption of religious Zionism began right after the end of the 1967 war. The whole vast ocean of frustration, inferiority, jealousy and trapped hormones that built up over the state’s first 20 years erupted all at once. Now they will be the pioneers, they will be the Palmach, the conquerors of the dunam and the goat, the erectors of tower and stockade, the people of the underground militias and the “reprisal actions.” And drunk on the permission they received from their rabbis and from the government to go as wild as they pleased, they quickly transformed into violent, self-righteous savages who take out their impulses on the helpless. Thus, they can simultaneously be vicious bums and “good kids” who get an admiring pat on the head from their parents and teachers. 

So, in short, this is what the state has done to religion: It turned Israeli Haredim into junkies addicted to public funds, and religious Zionism into an unbridled fascist gang. But unlike the Haredim, who are only a threat to the wallet, religious Zionism is a real existential threat. Because this is history’s rule: Give monotheistic religion authority, an army and territory, and what you get is a monster that is destined to destroy itself. And to this rule, alas, there are no exceptions.

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