Re: [Salon] Ukraine Article

One nit to pick regarding the Inquiry et al.: " Their work would not have passed peer review muster, as the borders they created left German, Polish, Hungarian, Russian and other minorities in newly formed nation-states."

That may be true but there were several minority treaties meant to protect the rights of those populations. Of course the League and its members failed to do that but their failure was not entirely the result of poor cartography. In other words, Russia's government may or may not have as much justification in protesting the fate of the Minsk agreements as Germany's government did regarding the rights of the Sudeten Germans in 1938; but characterizing the problem as being mainly about "the dangers of violating borders" feeds into the propaganda of interventionists who almost always insist that "human rights trump sovereignty."

On Sat, 22 Jan 2022 at 23:33, Atwood, Brian via Salon <> wrote:

Here is a piece I did on the Ukraine crisis that Salon members may wish to pick apart!
Best, Brian
Salon mailing list

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