January 30, 2022: Senator Cotton Joins Fox News Sunday with Dana Perino

This is not to be missed as it is so representative of the contemporary US, and the Republican Party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4M3FuZJQpg Clausewitz’s purpose in his theoretical writings, according to Peter Paret, was not to develop a new doctrine, but rather to develop a “truer understanding of the phenomenon of war.
Theory should show ‘how one thing is related to another, and keep the important and the unimportant separate.’” (Clausewitz and the State, Peter Paret [1976]) One thing “related” to war is incitement, of the “passions” as Clausewitz would term them. One US
political party in toto and its associated media platforms, and the other political party maybe to 90%, and its associated media platforms, and respective “think tanks,” are engaged full-time in inciting US aggressive wars against other countries; a necessary
predicate to waging aggressive war, as Goering said at Nuremberg.
So speaking of Tom Cotton, in the link above and as in the preceding email, and fascism, someone on this List has to call out The American Conservative’s favorite warmongers
for their duplicity . . . .
For fanboys of Cotton like The American Conservative editors, don’t miss Cotton’s appearance on Fox yesterday posted above. Nor miss this panegyric to Cotton by Curt Mills, of TAC, and the Claremont Institute as a Fellow doing what Clarmonters always do, incite wars that is, like Cotton’s mentor Harvey Mansfield named in the previous email, and Bill Kristol: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/tom-cotton-further-positions-himself-as-trumps-heir/ BLUF:
“Biden is, in effect, continuing Trump’s failed ‘maximum pressure’ campaign,” national security analyst Joe Cirincione concludes in a Quincy Institute publication.
"While Cotton doesn’t think that approach has failed, he might not think it’s very interesting—or, at least, one that has mass popularity. The senator notably singled out “endless wars” in his 2020 convention speech last summer. Cotton is certainly still an Iran hawk, even an uber-hawk, but recent activity makes clear it is China that is increasingly commanding his focus. One can see here an emerging distinctions between Cotton and Pompeo, who ran a patently neoconservative State Department and, when asked about “endless wars,” said “endless wars are a direct result of weakness.” (Echoing his own Straussian fans at Claremont who agree with Mussolini that the greatest human failing is “weakness,” and not loving war.) "If Cotton has a second issue after China, it’s the new culture war. Cotton’s social media feed is replete with castigations of teachers’ unions for keeping America’s public schools closed. And he has set himself apart as the leading, unabashed advocate of military force to repel violent protesters—of all stripes. "Pompeo, on the other hand, has gone the other way, diving further into stateside Iran and Israel trench warfare. This is a gambit to corner the neoconservative-inclined donor base, as he touts his record on Israel to Evangelicals in the early-voting states of Iowa and South Carolina. It could work.” The Claremont Institute Fellow, Curt Mills, and fellow Straussian to Hillsdale’s Straussian President Larry Arnn (now in an educational collaboration with TAC) and to former TAC Editor
John Burtka, all on the same page politically, writes glowingly of Cotton here:
https://www.theamericanconservative.com/state-of-the-union/tom-cotton-has-been-waiting-years-for-this/ Bring them Russians and Chinese on; Cotton and TAC’s favorite conservatives, are ready for them: Hawley:
And Gaetz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_pqOqi88d0
The aforementioned Conservatives and extreme militarists (excuse me, I repeat myself) guys are demanding more US aggressive war, even more than Biden (which is not to excuse Biden, Blinken,
the H. Clinton wing of the Democrats, but to take notice that if there is any difference, it is that the Democrats are in step with the Republican war fanatics, but they can never outdo them in war fanaticism) in continuance of Trump’s “Ending the Endless
Wars” joke on the American people, and in particular, on his duped “non-interventionist” fans.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4M3FuZJQpg |