[Salon] Taro Aso, Japan's Deputy Prime Minister, Says Tokyo Could Learn From Nazis' Tactics | HuffPost The World Post

Here’s a model for “reinterpreting” the U.S. Constitution, now made even easier and in its final stage with 6 Conservative Revolutionaries on the Court desiring to revert the actual US Constitution back to the “1787 Constitution,” if not to the “English Constitution” which Alito cited to and which we declared independence, and a revolution, from its tyranny (martial law) 244 years ago. As to the actual, current "1789 Constitution" that Willmoore Kendall, George Carey, Bill Barr, and all the other little “Originalists" so despise; fuggedaboudit. It has the hated Bill of Rights in it, and for Kendall, and his latter day disciples, the worst of the worst, the First Amendment, which Kendall hated above all. Is that why Conservatives, other than Bruce Fein, hate it so, as in “What Would Willmoore Hate?"

If I wasn’t admitted to the Supreme Court Bar, though will never be in front of it again after my one “appearance” for admission, I might suggest we are seeing six black robed “legal putschists,” with “intent" similar to the same sort who stormed the U.S. Capital. Not because of the particular issue they recently decided, but because of the “method” and “precedents” of their decision. With it coming out now that their “Commander in Chief” wished to lead the Proud Boys in their attempted putsch at the Capital. Which might have even succeeded if he had been allowed to get to the Capital to “rally the troops,” and a few more Conservatives in key positions willing to then join in. A failed putsch is nevertheless an attempted putsch, as these guys knew, with the right-wing paramilitaries supporting Trump the stand-ins for the Freikorps, as described here: https://alphahistory.com/weimarrepublic/kapp-putsch/

As zealous as Kendall/Carey were in opposing and subverting the actually existing U.S. Constitution, as do their Radical-Right successors of today even more, in favor of a non-existent “Constitution” with no Bill of Rights, our so-called “Original Constitution” so beloved by Originalists, their fellow anti-Constitutionalists, like Alito and Thomas, have found an even more insidious way to subvert the U.S. Constitution than their ideological forebears. That is, with the invention and contrivance of the “English Constitution,” which we fought a War of Independence from. With Alito, Thomas, and Yoram Hazony (see below) celebrating English despotic government which existed before 1688, and continued thereafter in becoming only slightly less despotic until more recent times on issues like “treason.” 

So I will be celebrating the Declaration of Independence on Monday and leave it to the Traditional Conservatives in the Kendall vein to gnash their teeth over the “equality” proclaimed in it, as their predecessors did, and do, in opposing integration, voting rights, etc., of the “minority”  they deemed unequal, under the “majoritarian supremacy” declared by Kendall.

But for an opposing view, check out the Zionist Settler Yoram Hazony and his fellow American Zionists/Trumpites, all one big happy family in today’s “Fusionism,” as can be seen here discussing Hazony’s, and Conservatism’s, magnum opus, “Conservatism: A Rediscovery

AEI, Heritage, all the pro-war fanatics, allied with these NatCon fanatics, in a new “Fusionism."

And let’s not forget Hoover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8C_CBwwS7Q

And of course, the “Spearhead of Nazional Conservatism:"

from The American Conservative: 

Not to be too hard on the Japanese for the principle of “Constitutional Reinterpretation,” the  US was right along with Japan’s Revanchists for re-creating Japanese Militarism (Fascism): https://www.cfr.org/blog/reinterpreting-japans-constitution

Taro Aso, Japan's Deputy Prime Minister, Says Tokyo Could Learn From Nazis' Tactics

Japan's Finance and Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso gestures as he delivers a speech in Tokyo on June 28, 2013. Aso's speech was entitled 'Abenomics and the future of Japan's economy'. AFP PHOTO/Toru YAMANAKA (Photo credit should read TORU YAMANAKA/AFP/Getty Images)

Japan's Finance and Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso gestures as he delivers a speech in Tokyo on June 28, 2013. Aso's speech was entitled 'Abenomics and the future of Japan's economy'. AFP PHOTO/Toru YAMANAKA (Photo credit should read TORU YAMANAKA/AFP/Getty Images)

Japan's gaffe-prone deputy prime minister has said Tokyo could learn from Nazi Germany when it comes to constitutional reform, prompting a rebuke from a Jewish human rights group.

In a statement on its website late Tuesday, the US-based Simon Wiesenthal Center called on Taro Aso to clarify his comments that Tokyo, which is mulling a change to its pacifist constitution, should look to the way the Nazis quietly adopted reforms.

"First, mass media started to make noises (about Japan's proposed reforms), and then China and South Korea followed suit," Aso was quoted by Japanese media as saying in a speech Monday to a conservative think tank.

"The German Weimar constitution changed, without being noticed, to the Nazi German constitution. Why don't we learn from their tactics?"

In response, the Jewish rights group said: "The only lessons on governance that the world should draw from the Nazi Third Reich is how those in positions of power should not behave".

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, the Japanese government's top spokesman, on Wednesday declined to answer media questions about the comments, saying "deputy prime minister Aso should answer that question".

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's ruling Liberal Democratic Party has said it wants to revise the US-imposed pacifist constitution to define Japan's defence forces as a full-fledged military force, amid territorial tensions with neighbours China and South Korea.

That has stirred strong emotions in Beijing and Seoul which have long maintained that Japan has never come to terms with its militaristic past.

Aso, who is also Japan's finance minister, is known for his sometimes uncomfortable remarks, including saying earlier this year that elderly people should "hurry up and die" to avoid taxing the country's medical system.

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