[Salon] A tale of two economies

A tale of two economies

Summary: the Saudi economy sits at one end of the Middle East table, strong, assured and buoyant and at the other end sits Lebanon with a broken economy and political paralysis that the country’s wealthy elite are in no hurry to end.

Last week went well for Mohammed bin Salman, what with fist bumping Joe Biden in Jeddah and jousting with the US president when he raised the case of Jamal Khashoggi. The crown prince was, reportedly,  quick to question what Biden was doing about the murder of the Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh: "You can't impose your values on us by force. Remember Abu Ghraib? What have you done about Shireen Abu Akleh?"

His aggressive response, unprecedented in US-Saudi relations, was a measure of how far MbS has come in consolidating his power within the kingdom while using the economic clout high oil prices have given him to underscore his thinking that Saudi Arabia doesn’t need America the way previous Saudi rulers believed it did.  If anything the shoe is on the other foot, with Biden heading into mid-terms that the Democrats look set to lose heavily as inflation surges, much of it driven by high energy costs.

The latest economic forecasts have put more wind in MbS’s already expansive sails. London-based Capital Economics (subscription only) citing a strong first half of 2022 says that GDP will grow by 10%, a call that is well above consensus. Much of that bullish prediction is based on oil:

The oil sector has sustained its strong momentum. Production rose from 10.36mn bpd in April to 10.42mn bpd in May, translating into growth of 22.9% y/y….  Looking ahead, the prospects for the oil sector look very bright. The decision by OPEC+ to raise its output quotas by 50% in July and August will provide an additional boost to Saudi production. And if, as we expect, OPEC+ removes the shackles of quotas beyond September, Saudi is one of the few members that will be able to capitalise and we think that output will reach a record high by late-2023.

Capital Economics says the economy, and particularly the private sector, will be further boosted by the loosening of fiscal policies now underway and the distinct possibility of a VAT cut.  (The rate was tripled in 2020 to 15% to shore up government finances tagged by then low oil prices.)

Although Biden and MbS hit an impasse on the issue of human rights - in truth that was not a priority for the US president – they did manage a  shared communique on the economic quagmire that Lebanon remains firmly stuck in.

As reported by L’Orient Today:

In a joint statement, the two men “noted the importance of forming a government and implementing structural and global reforms in politics and economy so that Lebanon can overcome its crisis and not constitute a launchpad for terrorists, drug trafficking and criminal activities which threaten its stability (and) the region’s security.”

Using the King Salman Relief Center the kingdom funnnelled US$ 36 million in humanitarian aid to Lebanon in March. That was followed in April by the full restoration of diplomatic relations that had ruptured over  critical comments by Lebanese politicians over the Yemen war.

Since 2019 Lebanon has endured a complex economic and financial crisis, deepened by political deadlock, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Beirut Port explosions in August 2020 and now the global food and fuel crisis [photo credit @SaraAssaf]

But words, diplomacy and a humanitarian gesture will not be nearly enough to drag Lebanon out of a crisis that has persisted since 2019, one that was severely heightened by the Covid pandemic and the Beirut harbour blast in August 2020. As the World Bank has highlighted, the ongoing political paralysis is destroying “key pillars of Lebanon’s post-civil war political economy.”  It cites the collapse of most basic public services and the flight of young Lebanese from a failed country in a brain drain that will inflict further damage down the road. “Meanwhile,” the report notes acidly “the poor and the middle class, who were never well served under this model in the first place, are carrying the main burden of the crisis.”

The Keystone Cops quality of the current situation emerged yet again on Tuesday with the attempt by  Ghada Aoun, the presiding judge in a case against the head of the Banque de Liban (BDL) Riad Salameh, to haul him in to court (for more on Salameh see our 6 April newsletter.) After first sending State Security officers storming into his residence in the upscale Beirut suburb of Rabieh, El Metn and finding the governor not at home, Aoun sent them into the BDL offices in central Beirut, again to no avail.

The Aoun gambit did accomplish a couple of things:  the rebuke of current caretaker prime minister Najib Mikati who called it a “raid for show” and a three-day strike by outraged BDL employees with the head of their union saying: “We refuse to be treated with militia-like methods. We are not defending Riad Salameh but rather this institution, and these methods are unacceptable to us.”

The bank employees join several other strikers, among them university lecturers and public sector employees. In a broken country, gallows humour is the order of the day. As L’Orient Today put it in their weekly newsletter (subscription only):

Do you need an “Ikhraj Eid” (extract of civil registry)? Sorry, it’s not possible. Do you need a passport? Sorry, it’s not possible. The public sector is collapsing as employees continue in their fifth week of an open-ended strike. Everyone is striking….  The problem is that they are still being paid in lira. It is the government’s cowardly strategy of reducing the sector’s headcount through attrition. Expenses will definitely drop, but so will revenues. Where are the thinking heads? And they say they want to approve the 2022 budget! With what numbers? More made up ones.

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