[Salon] GAZA Fights Back - MintPress News


Directed by Dan Cohen, Gaza Fights Back tells the story of Israel’s 2021 11-day war on Gaza, the human toll, and how Gaza’s armed resistance groups outmaneuvered the vastly more powerful Israeli military.

Filmed during the attack and in the days following the ceasefire, the documentary tells the story of how Gaza’s armed resistance groups outwitted the vastly superior Israeli military and established their ability to intervene against Israeli ethnic cleansing of neighborhoods like Sheikh Jarrah and provocations at the al-Aqsa compound in occupied East Jerusalem.

*********************************************************************************************************************************Pierce note: This should be of interest here! It tells a sliver of the story of the “other,” among many, "proxy wars” of the US. One cannot pin this on any one US administration as it has been continuous for decades. But for those few who are willing to be intellectually honest, there’s a reason why Right-wing Jewish Israelis and Americans so emphatically loved Trump, as Norm Coleman explained. And why US conservatives so closely adhere to the Likud Party, and Yoram Hazony’s NatCon Settler promotion operation, as does the Republican Party, with how Trump so expanded the parameters of how the US and Israel wage joint operations against those deemed by the Israelis as their “Enemy.” All the way down to the level of Koch funding of anti-BDS legislation at the state level, particularly popular in states where “Evangelical Christians” (Christian values?) predominate. 

But Biden and the Democrats are trying to “out-Trump, Trump,” in slavish devotion to Israel with Biden adhering to the Bennett-wing of  “Israeli fascism,” but that’s turning out to be a loser. And he never can “out-Trump, Trump,” as can be seen in the routine denunciations of him by Republicans on Iran, the Palestinians, etc. Though that is changing rapidly as those few in his party who provide at least a bit of token resistance, are being eliminated, as Phil Weiss explains:  https://mondoweiss.net/2022/07/donna-edwardss-defeat-affirms-the-fact-israel-lobbys-power-comes-from-the-benjamins/?ml_recipient=61332526225949890&ml_link=61332482110260542&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=2022-07-22&utm_campaign=Daily+Headlines

If you oppose Israel’s totalitarian military control over Palestinians, and realize how it corrupts our own political system, and watch this video, take note of the “Donate” button at the bottom of  this page as short documentaries like this don’t just appear out of nowhere. Or go here: https://www.mintpressnews.com/donations/

Other issues addressed by MintPress include the US “proxy" war on Russia, et al., as well as “press freedom,” to include defense of Julian Assange. In other words, it's in line with what the Committee for the Republic once unqualifiedly stood for. 

Full disclosure: I’m an unpaid Board member of an affiliate to MintPress.


Filmed during the attack and in the days following the ceasefire, the documentary tells the story of how Gaza’s armed resistance groups outwitted the vastly superior Israeli military and established their ability to intervene against Israeli ethnic cleansing of neighborhoods like Sheikh Jarrah and provocations at the al-Aqsa compound in occupied East Jerusalem.



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