[Salon] Iran Reiterates Sovereignty over Trio Persian Gulf Islands


Iran Reiterates Sovereignty over Trio Persian Gulf Islands

2022-June-5  15:03

TEHRAN (FNA)- Tehran reiterated that the three Iranian islands of Abu Musa, the Greater Tunb and the Lesser Tunb in the Persian Gulf are inseparable and eternal parts of the Iranian territory.

“Even an inch of the homeland's soil is like all of Iran,” Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh wrote on his twitter page.

“The trio of islands is the eternal territory of honorable Iran in the heart of the Persian Gulf and a source of pride to the homeland,” the spokesman said.

“We kiss the hands of our valiant border guards who have stood firm to protect every inch of this precious soil.”

He also attached to his Twitter post the photos of his visit to Iran’s maritime borders in the Persian Gulf in February 2021.

Khatibzadeh reacted to a recent statement by the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) at a session in Riyadh about the Iranian islands of Abu Musa, Greater Tunb and Lesser Tunb.

He had also on Thursday said Iran strongly condemns “any claim about these islands as interference in its internal affairs and territorial integrity”.

International documents clearly show that the three islands of the Greater Tunb, the Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa which were historically owned by Iran, temporarily fell to British control in 1903. The islands were returned to Iran based on an agreement in 1971 before the UAE was born.

Iran has repeatedly declared that its ownership of the three islands is unquestionable.

Under international law, no state can defy any agreement, which came into being before its establishment.

Yet, the UAE continues to make territorial claims against the Islamic Republic despite historical evidence and international regulations.

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