[Salon] The push to supersize Pentagon spending ratchets up - POLITICO

BLUF: "The path to a government funding deal will ultimately resemble the last spending pact sealed in March, predicted Rep. Ken Calvert, the top Republican on the House Defense Appropriations panel.

“Non-defense discretionary is going to come down and defense is going to go up at the end of the day, or we’ll be under a [continuing resolution],” Calvert said. “That’s it. It’s not complicated.”

Hallelujah! Can I get an Amen from you libertarians on that? Like you gave Trump’s 2017 budget which did the same? Throw in a tax cut for the Oligarchs and I will hear one, I know.

As militaristic as the Willmoore Kendall(yes, he was a Democrat, but a Southern Democrat, dieing before they switched parties)/Scoop Jackson DP descendants are, the Republicans always stay ahead of them when it comes to war spending, even under Biden, sort of analogous to this:

"Run, run as fast as you can!
"You cannot catch me. I am the Gingerbread Man!"

The push to supersize Pentagon spending ratchets up

The fight over Biden's $813 billion national defense budget will come to a head when the House and Senate begin work this month.

Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., speaks during a Senate Armed Services Committee  hearing

The defense industry is also sounding off on the budget. The Aerospace Industries Association, a top advocacy group, joined the calls for higher defense spending last week, urging House and Senate leaders to adopt a 3 to 5 percent post-inflation hike.

AIA President and CEO Eric Fanning argued in a letter to Armed Services and Appropriations committee heads that “no credible analysis can support” competition with China and Russia with smaller budgets.

“The topline discussion should start with support for adequate financial investment,” Fanning wrote. “Three to five percent growth above the inflation rate is the level of investment required to support America’s global force, maintain our competitive edge over adversaries, and catch up technologically in areas where we are falling behind.”

Pentagon leadership also hasn’t ruled out the possibility of more money to tackle inflation.

Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks in May said the department would work with Congress “to make sure that we have the purchasing power for this program” in the coming fiscal year.

“If at the end of the day it’s this program with an inflation factor that is, again, going to be a projection by the United States Congress that we feel is closer to accurate, and then we work on, through supplementals next year, anything where we’re off. ... I think that’s a really good outcome for us,” Hicks said at an event hosted by the Reagan Institute. “We want this program.”

Republicans have seized on testimony in April from Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley acknowledging that the budget’s assumptions are outdated.

Still, Austin and Pentagon brass have defended their proposal as robust in the face of inflation. Comptroller Mike McCord noted that the Pentagon doesn’t use the widely cited Consumer Price Index, which now pegs inflation at more than 8 percent, to calculate the change in its costs. He also told lawmakers that the administration responded to inflation by adding approximately $20 billion per year to Pentagon budget projections through fiscal 2027.

Hicks, however, warned against heaping on billions of dollars for weapons the Pentagon didn’t request — an annual tactic that Congress will likely employ if lawmakers approve a higher topline.

“What we don’t want is added topline that’s filled with new programs that we can’t support and afford in the out-years and that doesn’t cover inflation,” she said. “That is my number one concern.”

Even if Democrats and Republicans coalesce around a larger NDAA topline, lawmakers will still need to iron out defense appropriations legislation to fund the military.

Top House and Senate appropriators are trying to forge an agreement on defense and domestic spending that will pave the way for government funding bills to pass, but a deal remains elusive as Republicans push for defense increases to counter inflation.

A deal would also need to lock in increased funding for domestic programs for Democrats to support it.

“Inflation impacts the entire government,” Smith said. “Inflation is not just going to be talked about in the context of the defense budget. It’s going to be talked about in the context of the entire budget.”

The path to a government funding deal will ultimately resemble the last spending pact sealed in March, predicted Rep. Ken Calvert, the top Republican on the House Defense Appropriations panel.

“Non-defense discretionary is going to come down and defense is going to go up at the end of the day, or we’ll be under a [continuing resolution],” Calvert said. “That’s it. It’s not complicated.”

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