[Salon] CIA Whistleblower, David C. MacMichael, Who Helped Ignite Iran-Contra Affair Dies at 95

CovertAction Magazine
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CIA Whistleblower, David C. MacMichael, Who Helped Ignite Iran-Contra Affair Dies at 95

By John Kiriakou on Jun 13, 2022 09:30 am

The Intelligence Community lost a bona fide hero last month with the death of David C. MacMichael, 95, a former contract CIA analyst who resigned from the Agency in 1983 to go public with information that the Reagan Administration was planning a coup d’état against the Nicaraguan government of Daniel Ortega.

MacMichael’s revelations led in part to what is now known as the Iran-Contra Affair.

MacMichael was a little before my time at the CIA. He left seven years before I began working there. But even after seven years, his name was spoken often and admiringly.

MacMichael was not some malcontent who wanted to make a name for himself in the media or on Capitol Hill. He was a brilliant and well-regarded analyst who took his oath to “uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic” seriously.

He recognized illegality when he saw it and he knew that his choices boiled down to two: He could pretend that what the Reagan Administration was doing in Nicaragua was fine or right or none of his business, or he could blow the whistle. He did what was right. […]

The post CIA Whistleblower, David C. MacMichael, Who Helped Ignite Iran-Contra Affair Dies at 95 appeared first on CovertAction Magazine.

In Peace and Solidarity,
Chris Agee
Executive Editor
CovertAction Magazine
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