Regarding Mike Flynn in the Spytalk article below, whom I was denouncing on this email list from the beginning of the Trump campaign in pointing out that any association with Michael Ledeen, Flynn’s co-author in promoting an even more aggressive fascist form
of US foreign policy, which obviously appealed to Trump, was ipso facto evidence that if Trump wasn’t a Neoconservative, as some averred here, it was only because he was even worse. As he proved in his warmongering against Iran (and joint “clandestine” war
against with Israel), China, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, and massive military buildup in Eastern Europe, etc., all designed as much as for any reason, to weaken their strongest ally; Russia. As we are seeing today with how quickly the Trump Plan, whose underlings
were always “twisting arms” of NATO members to pay more tribute to the US controlled NATO Command, for 4 years before Biden came into office, could be so quickly employed by Biden (and prepared to for an “out of area war” against China, as the Republicans
all urge).
But Flynn’s contact with Kisylak should be kept in context which seems to be omitted here, not in his defense, but as an “aggravating factor” and as evidence that Trump was Netanyahu’s agent, as Trump continued that errand-boy policy of serving
Netanyahu’s government in every manner he could during his administration. And we can expect the same when the Republicans return, not that Biden is any different right now. But here’s why the Kisylak/Flynn meeting went down:
Why this is important to understand is because of what some political scientists and Cognitive War experts know of how the “unconscious mind” can be manipulated through “subliminal political messaging” to contravene historical facts and transmute
them into “myth,” which become taken for granted by the public. Speaking in general, and not as particular criticism of this article.