From:  Michael Brenner
March 11, 2022
Friends and Colleagues

Some measure of coherence might be lent the dissonant discourse about Ukraine by distinguishing among 5 aspects of the subject. They are: 1) background/context/ circumstances;  2) the lead-up to the war - heightened crisis November - February; 3) the Russian decision to go to war, its conduct, and attendant moral questions; 4) the reaction to the hostilities; 5) consequences and implications - economic and geostrategic. That is not being done. Instead, any attempt to do so provokes condemnation for failing to make a ritual denunciation of Russia and all things Russian - including sopranos (above all the attractive ones guaranteed to stir the mob gathered to savor the Auto-da-Fé).  As a result, collective emotion bordering on the hysteric distorts and colors consideration of all of them beyond recognition as serious reportage or analysis. It is a sad demonstration of the total lack of discipline in the MSM, among the politicos, and denizens of the incestuous think-tank world. Irresponsible and unforgiveable. 

Attached is an essay by Chris Hedges that separates the ethical issues from the political ones while placing both in perspective.

Below are two references (URLs) that look skeptically at the latest hot-button headline story: the alleged bombing of a maternity hospital. As it turns out, this "Russian atrocity" is a fabrication. That should have been obvious to anyone capable at paying concentrated attention to the videos and the logically contradictory accounts. E.g. you can't drop 500-pound bombs or barrages of artillery shells on a huge hospital complex and produce either zero or 3 deaths, depending on which version you hear. Just as you cannot produce carnage without leaving a drop of blood in sight or blow out several score windows in a vast building without doing structural damage. Our leaders surely know this since even Western security services are capable of such elementary observation. Knaves &/or fools. 

For the true believers in what governments, and the Facebook/Twitter censors tell them: I have available for inspection a portfolio of photographs that include fine-grained pictures of Saddam's mobile biological weapon lab, Vietnamese patrol boats firing on U.S. naval vessels in the Tonkin Gulf, and graphic images of the 13 times that Syria/Russia destroyed "the last hospital in Aleppo/East Damascus." 

There was a time when we as a people were secure enough in our self-identity that we thought it instructive to hear German broadcasts (and even Hitler's harangues) on the radio. When nobody sought to block Tokyo Rose. But, today, viewing RT or accessing the Kremlin website or communicating about an official statement by the Russian government is suppressed as unpatriotic, if not downright subversive. This is something to ponder. What or whom are we afraid of?


Michael Brenner




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