[Salon] Fwd: Gov. DeSantis Speaking at Jewish Leadership Conference 2022

Here is a Who’s Who of todays American Radical Right, with full  representation of the “Movement,” which The American Conservative readers especially won’t want to miss: Libertarians, National Conservatives, Traditional Conservatives, Neoconservatioves, Zionists; all under the “Big Tent” of Trumpism. With a special memorial perhaps to those Hearty Pioneers of the Conservative  Movement; the CIA Officers who created it in the 1950s with National Review being indistinguishable from a CIA “Influence Operation”  of the sort they used to launch coups. With experts such as Willmoore Kendall, Bill Buckley, William Casey, Frank S. Meyer, on hand, who would eventually inspire the “copycat” Scoop Jackson Democrats, who would become the “New, New Conservatives,” or Neoconservative for short, following in the footsteps of those who inspired them the most, the Trotskyite Kendall, and the Communist Meyer, who created a template for all wh0 would follow and be celebrated in Andrew Bacevich’s paean to Conservatives, "American Conservatism: Reclaiming an Intellectual Tradition.” Which could be subtitled “A Tribute to America’s Founding Militarists,” with the Democratic Party’s wing of the same now prosecuting the war on Russia, with the Republican wing chanting “Faster, Please.” Echoing in that their fascist inspiration, Michael Ledeen, all in the tradition of the ideological forebear of all, the man whom Albert Einstein and Hannah Arendt identified as a genuine fascist in 1950: Menachem Begin. Whose “godson,” to to speak, Benjamin Netanyahu, would eventually become Trump’s “blood brother,” and the two of them would go far in creating the Universal Fascism which Ledeen dreamed of for decades, going together with like-minded warlovers in the Democratic Party. 

With this paragraph, "A History of American Fascism: In a Nutshell."

A Letter from Tikvah's Chairman & CEO
Elliott Abrams & Eric Cohen

Dear Friends and Supporters,
We are excited to announce that Gov. Ron DeSantis will join us, in person, as one of our speakers at Tikvah's Jewish Leadership Conference on Sunday, June 12 in New York. He joins a remarkable roster—Bari Weiss, former Sec. of State Mike Pompeo, Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, Amb. Ron Dermer, Ruth Wisse, and Yoram Hazony. And the list goes on.
Announcing Gov DeSantis is exciting enough. The story is even more unbelievable.
Last month, Tikvah’s magazine of ideas, Mosaic, published an in-depth essay about the Jewish renaissance taking place in Florida, which has become one of the world’s most dynamic Jewish centers outside of Israel. The essay, “Jerusalem on the Atlantic,” generated an enthusiastic response. The leadership of Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, seems to have played a significant role in Florida’s vitality—especially the promotion of education tax credits and school choice. So we thought it would be fascinating to invite him to our flagship conference of ideas to speak about “The Florida Model,” and why it’s good for religious Americans.
Gov. DeSantis graciously accepted our invitation.
And then something shocking happened, which you can read about in an op-ed by us in Friday's Wall Street Journal and now online. The Museum of Jewish Heritage—the venue where the Jewish Leadership Conference was born in 2017, and to which we were thrilled to return—told us that they would not allow our event to take place if the Governor of Florida was going to participate. We were, as the saying now goes, being canceled.
We believe in free speech and the high-level exchange of ideas. And we believe Jews and non-Jews alike should be interested in the growth of Jewish life in Florida and why it is happening.
We will never be canceled and the Jewish Leadership Conference will proceed as planned, relocated to Pier Sixty in Manhattan.
Now, more than ever, the Jewish world needs our voice. We need good ideas and Jewish moral courage.
We hope you will join us. We encourage everyone interested in attending on June 12 to buy tickets now—or get two complimentary tickets by joining the Tikvah Society—before this important event is sold out.
With best wishes,

Elliott Abrams

Eric Cohen
Chief Executive Officer

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