[Salon] Martial Music to Jack Us up for War

Continuing on the theme of martial songs which get us jacked up for war that someone began, to go along with the martial culture we will especially celebrate this weekend, here are a couple more to listen to while remembering our martial glory, with this especially poignant with the question lingering yet of “why won’t they let us win our wars": 

And if this one doesn’t psych you up for killing some foreigners, such as Ragheads, Sand N***ers (as our enemies and allies were both called in 1990-1991), Gooks or Chinks, both back in style with the coming war with China, or the perennial favorite: “Commie,” good for the ChiComs, and the Russians [with ignorant Americans]):
with this line: “Lit up your world like the 4th of July,” then you’re sick! 

Any wonder a young man just gets a feeling sometimes that he wants to put some BDU’s on (maybe with an AZOV Bn patch even :-), grab himself a M4 style gun, and go "light up” some 15-30 or so kids? :-(

Mimicking these guys, sort of, like the Newtown killer surely was: 

With this one truly inspiring, like Tanner Brenn’s comment said:
Tanner Brenn wrote:

Those were our Glory Days! Before, we got weak in Afghanistan, and began having proxies kill Russians, instead of doing it ourselves.

But stay away from sentimental crap like these, or put yourself at risk of losing faith in our Stratocracy, and maybe even decide that all our post-WWII wars were initiated, when one actually researches them, by US “Clandestine Forces,” and none of them had anything to do with actual “national security.” Nor were they worth the death and destruction we wreaked on foreign lands, and to ourselves, as if we’re in a satanic, manic suicidal frenzy, and ready to take the world down with us.   

So for Vietnam War fans especially, avoid this one:

And this one has a Korean War reference, but it will sadden a lot of people going forward with the many children lost over the last 20 years, with more to come, so avoid it!:
"We lost Davy in the _______ War (fill in the blank)” 

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