[Salon] Far-right Leaders Call to Renew Targeted Assassinations, Form Gov't Following Jerusalem Bombings - Israel News - Haaretz.com

Far-right Leaders Call to Renew Targeted Assassinations, Form Gov't Following Jerusalem Bombings - Israel News - Haaretz.com

(See beneath what I add here for “context,” for full text of Haaretz article.)

When I visited West Belfast a few years ago, before Covid, to gather some oral histories from amnestied IRA members, graffiti on building walls correctly declared that “Repression Breeds Resistance.” A principle for which Israel’s repression of the Palestinians stands as Exhibit A! Now its new Far-Right government wants to take that repression to an even higher level to where the West Bank is quickly becoming even more indistinguishable from Prague, under its Far-Right Occupation Commander, Reinhard Heydrich! And Gaza is the contemporary military equivalent in situation to the Warsaw Ghetto. That’s not to say that Israel therefore has "extermination camps;” something different from what "concentration camps" began as, which were initially “detention camps” for political prisoners/dissidents/"undesitable populations,” with extremely harsh treatment, as Dachau began as. Which were explicitly modeled after the U.S. “reservations” for its Native American populations. 

But hold any criticism of this comparison as “reductio ad Hitlerum,” as I’m not making a political analogy of Israel to Nazism. As I do not of the U.S. ideology calling for Total U.S. Global Military Domination of the World achieved through Perpetual War as the Cheney Doctrine calls for; now part of the corpus of the U.S. National Security Strategy made permanent/official in the 2002 NSS, and never repudiated. But if you want to deem this a “fallacy,” be correct and recognize it as “reductio ad Fascismo,” as the overall category of what Hitlerism/Nazism fell under, but under which, there were rival “theories” of generic fascism. 

But I will vigorously disagree this “comparative politics” analysis is a fallacy. And for that, Hillsdale College professor, TAC/CUA (https://www.theamericanconservative.com/fellows) collaborator, and Chief Ideologist of the contemporary “New Right,” Michael Anton, stands as Ex. A (this isn’t a court proceeding so I can have as many Ex. A’s, as I want :-). As can be seen in his apologia for “fascism," but not “Hitlerum” here: 

BLUF: "Strauss many times pointed out that, of the three definitions of justice proffered in Book I of Plato’s Republic, only one survives the transition to the perfectly just city or “city in speech.” And that is the view that justice is helping friends and harming enemies. If we want to be absolutely strict, we would immediately clarify that Socrates denies that justice entails harming anyone, but he does so by defining “harm” in such way that offends ordinary common sense (e.g., deserved punishment is not harm; cf. the Gorgias).

"Socrates does not, however, deny the friend-enemy distinction. To the contrary: he builds his whole political philosophy thereon. His just city emphatically begins, and never retreats, from recognizing that all politics is particular. There will always be borders, citizens and non-citizens, and hence friends and enemies. This does not mean that every non-citizen is always an active enemy combatant, but he is always potentially so and never a friend in the same way the fellow citizen can and must be. The eternal and inevitable presence of potential enemies is why there must be a “guardian” (later renamed “auxiliary”) warrior class.

"For Strauss, this basic insight, fundamental to all politics, is a necessary starting point from which one must ascend to discover, and eventually implement, true justice, or the closest approximation practicable in the real world. Hence for Strauss, Schmitt’s theory is not so much wrong but incomplete. To tell a very long story in very few words, for Strauss, Schmitt’s thought is but another attempt to address fundamental problems of late modernity that end up either relying on or even radicalizing faulty modern premises. Strauss credits Schmitt (as he credits Heidegger) with seeing late modernity’s dead-end more or less clearly but criticizes him for not fully thinking through the implications of his own ideas. For Strauss, the only way forward is a return to ancient modes of thought that nearly all of his contemporaries, including Schmitt, considered decisively refuted and, thus, of only historical interest. Strauss alone showed that they were wrong.

"I wouldn’t expect someone like Watson, or anyone at National Review, to know any of this. It’s abstruse, academic stuff.” End

That latter point is crucial in understanding why it is virtually impossible to explain how “beloved" political US parties and concepts such as “American Exceptionalism” and “Conservatism” have transmogrified under 21+ years now of “Perpetual War,” with its attendant effect on US “collective consciousness,” into what can legitimately be recognized as a variety of 21st Century “fascism.” With the “friend-enemy distinction” now an essential part of US political ideology, domestically, and internationally. Strauss’s “genius” for introducing fascist political theory into contemporary politics was to do so under the guise of “ancient modes of thought,” of those predecessors to fascism; the Spartans, but using their better known, anti-democratic, Athenian supporters, as I.F. Stone and others correctly recognized of Xenophon, Socrates, and Plato. Though in their contributions to “western philosophy,” the latter two also contributed to “liberalism.” But one must make distinctions in their thought, of the positive, and the negative elements. But Strauss was able to exploit the ignorance of an American audience to “subvert,” introduce into our discourse, ideas shared with our recent ideological WW II enemies. With the “New Right” ideologists of today carrying on that “tradition,” through Hillsdale, Claremont, TAC, and the multiple “front groups” being created now, with most beginning with a name starting with “American.” And all allied with Israel’s Far-Right,” even more “officially" now, as “National Conservatism.”  

Far-right Leaders Call to Renew Targeted Assassinations, Form Gov't Following Jerusalem Bombings - Israel News - Haaretz.com

Far-right lawmaker Itamar Ben-Gvir, who will likely become Israel's Public Security Minister, called to renew targeted assassinations of members of Palestinian terror groups and demanded the immediate formation of a government following a double terror attack in Jerusalem on Wednesday morning.

Speaking from the scene of one of the bombings, which killed one and wounded 17, the leader of the far-right Otzma Yehudit party declared that Israel needs to take a hard line against terror, stating that “we must exact a price from terrorism, we must return to the targeted killings, we must impose a curfew on the village from which the terrorists came, we must stop the [summer] camps in the security prisons.”

“It's time to establish a right-wing government as soon as possible,” said Ben-Gvir, who until recently kept a photo of Baruch Goldstein, the perpetrator of the Hebron massacre, on his living-room wall. “Terror does not wait.”

Earlier this week, Likud sources told Haaretz that the incoming government will pass legislation granting the internal security minister the ability to set policy for the police and oversee police budgets, according to an agreement reached Sunday between Netanyahu and Otzma Yehudit leader Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Amending the law could lead to the police commissioner effectively being subordinate to Ben-Gvir on every aspect of police policy, including operational decisions. Prior to their recent reconciliation, Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai blamed Ben-Gvir for igniting last summer’s Gaza War.

During his short political career in office, Ben-Gvir has developed a reputation as a firebrand, making numerous controversial statements and using his personal sidearm threateningly.

In the most recent incident last month, he pulled out a pistol and shouted "If they throw stones, shoot them," apparently referring to the Palestinians rioters, during clashes in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.

According to Radio 103FM, multiple members of Ben-Gvir’s party called for a harsh crackdown in Jerusalem and the West Bank in response to recent attacks.

Nablus is burning, Jenin is burning, Ramallah is burning, until the moment white flags are raised there. This is what I would do if I was the Minister of Defense,” said Otzma Yehudit MK Zvika Fogel, a brigadier general in the IDF reserves, asserting that without controlling “fear and awe” Israel “won’t regain deterrence.”

"Do we have planes? Do we have missiles? Do we have cannons? Do we have tanks? Let's start using them. Go in and hit everyone Who dares to raise his head so that there will be no more orphans in the State of Israel."

“The first thing we need to do is to increase the feeling that there are landlords here, to be much tougher and hurt anyone who tries to undermine our existence,” stated MK Amichai Eliyahu, the son of Safed Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu.

It won't happen in one day, but as soon as the atmosphere changes, when we break the worldview among our [enemies] that the landlord is absent, we'll see a very significant change,” he said.

In a statement following the attack, Religious Zionism leader Bezalel Smotrich, who ran together with Ben-Gvir on a joint slate during the recent Knesset election, echoed his ally’s demand, calling on incoming Prime Minister Netanyahu “to convene all leaders of the incoming coalition, so we can form a right-wing government that will restore security to the citizens of Israel.”

“The murderous Arab terror is knocking on our door; we must form a government immediately,” he said.

Prime minister designate Benjamin Netanyahu did not publicly address his partners’ demands, issuing a statement saying that he was “praying for the peace of the injured in the combined attack in Jerusalem this morning and strengthening the hands of the security forces operating in the field.”

Speaking to reporters at the scene, Internal Security Minister Omer Bar-Lev described the bombing as “an attack we haven’t seen in a long time” and said that he believed that there was a “high probability that there's a connection between the attacks.”

“I believe that we'll put our hand on all involved,” he promised.

Labor leader Merav Michaeli echoed this sentiment, tweeting her condolences to the family of the deceased and best wishes for the recover of the injured and asserting that “the security forces will do everything to find the terrorists and bring them to justice for this heinous attack.”

MK Ram Ben Barak, outgoing Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said that Israel’s security services “have foiled quite a few attacks similar to this in recent months,” Radio 103FM reported.

“If the security service had not succeeded in stopping a large part of these operations and arresting many people, the situation would have been one thousand times worse.”

International leader have also commented on the attacks. In a tweet immediately after the bombings, Canadian Ambassador to Israel Lisa Stadelbauer wrote that she was following the news "with concern" and stated that her country "condemns terrorism and calls for a deescalation in current tensions and violence."

This prompted a harsh response from former Canadian Ambassador Vivian Bercovici, who demanded a stronger condemnation: "You call for de-escalation on 'both sides.' Not everything is equal. Time to condemn unequivocally," she tweeted.

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