[Salon] Fwd: US Officials Concern Troll About World Press Freedoms While Assaulting Them

Caitlin Johnstone is one of only a few people who brings any independent, actual, intelligent, insight to what the U.S. does to maintain global control that the “Security State” side of our government dictates. That “side” of our government has been explained by a few people capable of “thinking,” with the latest on that perhaps being this: "American Exception: Empire and the Deep State,” with an excerpt available on Amazon, which is all I’ve seen so not endorsing it in it entirety. 

Those “few” include only a minuscule number of former US officials, government contractors, or US NGO/Think Tank employees or related types. I just came across "American Exception” today, but the excerpt suggests it is a worthy analysis of “American Exceptionalism,” and adding new meaning to that as a nation under a permanent “State of Exception,” as we’ve become. It’s not alone in this, with other books like Chalmers Johnson’s trilogy, Michael Glennon’s "National Security and Double Government,” and Columbia Law Professor Bernard Harcourt’s “The Counter-Revolution,” telling anyone with an expansive enough mind to grasp more intricate thought, what we’ve become. Something like what Ernst Fraenkel described in the The Dual State.

But here is a bit of information on Harcourt’s book, whose book release party I attended, heard his talk, and bought a copy: https://cgt.columbia.edu/news/ending-the-counter-revolution-bernard-harcourt/

As he explained the book here: 

But Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) from Caitlin’s article:

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