If I’ve come to evidence a seeming “contempt” toward anyone over the last seven years; Trumpites as “Non-Interventionists Conservatives"(NIC), and the Never-Trumper or two who insisted it was Russia who interfered in our 2016 election to get Trump elected, as if seeing “reality” through a pin-hole, and thereby, contributing to the fomenting of war, which thanks to both of the aforementioned “sides," we’re now in, attribute it to the contempt I have for anyone who can say with a straight face that Trump ever intended to “end the endless wars.” Or that J.D. Vance and Blake Masters are in favor of the same and for “Main Street Economics,” for the “common-good.” I’ve called B.S. on that ever since 2015, in regard to Trump, and I stand on that, with the article on Thiel’s “Palantir” below one of the Exhibits” for that argument. Not being too smart myself, I have nothing against “ordinary” stupidity, and/or ignorance. But I am just smart enough to despise the monumental stupidity/ignorance of the gullible Conservatives/National Conservatives, and their duplicity, who so readily accept and promote the duplicitous candidates who themselves manipulate the economy against us poor folks on "Main Street.” Especially those candidates who represent not only Wall Street, but who are especially loyal servants of “Big Data,” in the form of Palantir and Peter Thiel who far outstrip any other Big Data conglomerates in the “Direct Action” Thiel/Palantir carry out on behalf of CIA/Israel, as described below. And Thiel’s chosen candidates the hedge fund/venture capital industry are chosen to do the same, in my well-supported opinion: Not ordinarily a reader of Reason, but this turned up in a search, which is very much on point to the so-called “libertarians” who are on a par with the NICs for duplicity: https://reason.com/2019/07/17/peter-thiel-explains-the-new-national-conservatism/ "Framing decisions about the economy and liberty in "national" terms is a cover for those who are best able to manipulate the machinery of the state to get what they want at the expense of others. Thiel's Palantir makes money providing services that harm innocent humans to the techno-industrial state. It's not surprising that he encourages that sort of thing, but it might be less valuable as a principle for a political movement. "National conservative types and Trumpers enjoy either appealing to, or teasing, libertarians who don't like Trump with the declaration that Trump is great for libertarians because he's so anti-intervention: Thiel ups the ante on this by claiming, with zero evidence, and indeed by bringing up his "libertarian friends," that Trump has been better on the anti-intervention front than even Ron Paul would have been. . . . I have to call bullshit on Thiel's unsupported rhetorical outreach to old libertarians that Trump is the most libertarian possible person on war issues. Sanctions and tariffs and immigrant detention camps are all forms of aggression. Trump may not be bombing places that Obama didn't bomb, but he is hurting innocent people all over the world. "Thiel certainly didn't help shore up his antiwar bonafides, or those of the "national conservative" movement, when he said the Iraq war might have passed his litmus test had U.S. oil companies been allowed to plunder Iraq's oil.” End And that last pretty well sums up the “why” of my contempt and disgust for the many people who fall for Thiel’s, Trump’s, National Conservatives, et al., lies about “ending the endless wars.” No one else claims that, while simultaneously “accelerating the endless wars" as Trump did, in Iran, and in "forward positioning” US forces as war preparations against China and Russia. The others deserve condemnation, but Trump took duplicity of that sort to an entirely higher dimension, when we see Trump’s massive build-up of US forces, and military budgets, as provocations, as happened in WW I, against and in the encirclement of both China and Russia today. With all-out proxy war against Russia since 2/24 instigated in large measure by the acceleration of the USG’s Russia encirclement policy by Trump, though Biden continued those policies. The blame for the current kinetic, proxy war of aggression, goes back even before 2014, but Trump indisputably accelerated it, as former officials of his administration openly boast. And Camp Trump was intended as his main “Power Projection Platform,” which it, without the name, turned out to be, I assume, as the weaponry pipeline for Ukrainian aggression against ethnic Russians on the “Eastern Front” of America’s long-planned war runs through Poland. But that line runs directly to through Peter Thiel as this article shows. Can anyone tell me how much Peter Thiel gave as start-up money to the National Conservative project? And continues to, as well as to their The American Conservative partner?