[Salon] Opinion: Decolonizing development is key to avoid path to irrelevance

Some studies estimate that only a fraction of development assistance goes directly to groups based in the global south. The African paradox — true for all low- and middle-income regions — of money leaving the continent more than the money entering the continent as aid must end.

The bilateral aid model also deserves to be reexamined entirely. Many people believe that bilateral aid is strings-attached and essentially a foreign policy instrument. An apolitical understanding of the power of money will only perpetuate poverty and maintain the international development sector as a conduit of neo-imperialism.

As our sector increasingly acknowledges the colonial history and neocolonial model it is built on, we need to start viewing monies raised in the global north not as charity or aid but as solidarity and support. We must first decolonize our own spaces by transferring decision-making on financial allocation and use to the global south.

Opinion: Decolonizing development is key to avoid path to irrelevance

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