Copying Brig. Gen. John Johns, a friend of mine, and I know of Sy Hersh, with the “context” I’ve added, per Clausewitz, as I shared a bit earlier :-) BG Johns wrote a very nice “blurb” to post on a website whch I must use more of, the Project for the Study of American Militarism, and a prespective book, which these lengthy emails constitute a “rough draft” of. Which I’ve settled on a title for, echoing Arendt: “The Origins of American Fascism,” from a "political theory” analysis. I’ve been helped enormously on that here in having my attention directed to CIA “Influence Operations” specialists, Kendall, Burnham, Buckley, and George Carey’s negation of the Bill of Rights writings, and then by the NatCons here in directing my attention to the writings of National Conservative, and Israeli Settler, Yoram Hazony, and his book, "Conservatism: Revisited,” where he takes the only “legal doctrine” he finds legitimate, to pre-Enlightenment doctrine, “cursing” Enlightenment Liberalism even more than Goebbels did! That’s the “New Right Doctrine,” so celebrated by Trumpites, and Conservatives, as seen in Alito’s Dobbs Opinion, which should scare the hell out of all of us, regardless of opinions on abortion. The “Legal Theory” behind it wipes out all the “Enlightenment Doctrine” of the U.S. Constitution, just like Kendall/Carey strived for so much in their writings and teaching. 

Chas beat me in sharing this as I distracted myself with finishing news of the Ellsberg/Chomsky documentary, with my added “context,” as necessary in a Clausewitzian understanding of war :-) And no one can accuse me of “inciting aggressive war,” a war crime, as so-called “right-wing peaceniks,” and their supportive “Non-interventionist Conservatives,” would be culpable for in any legitimate “War Crimes Tribunal,” for their incessant incitement of war against China. A subject I intensively studied as a Guantanamo Defense Attorney as the USG and its officials were, and are, serially committing war crimes, continuing to the present day at Guantanamo (and elsewhere, concealed in Secrecy) with the Military Commissions (the "denial of fair trial rights,” see the “Doolittle Raiders” found guilty of violating Japan’s illicit/illegal “Enemy Airman’s Act,” the equivalent of the U.S. Military Commissions Act of 2006, and 2009, neither of which reversed the illegality of MC Order # 1, drafted by John Yoo principally as I recall). But the other continuing war crime to the present is the impunity the USG has given to its war criminals when Rumsfeld/Cheney, supported by virtually all Republicans, eviscerated the U.S. War Crimes Act, and to compound it, the retaliation against Julian Assange and other Whistleblowers for “revealing” U.S. War Crimes, with that criminality attaching to every President and all the elected officials who colluded in providing that impunity; a war crime in itself!

So I began this this morning by begging forgiveness of Sy Hersh for sharing his Substack article to people too cheap, or ignorant, to subscribe to his site. But it is such a good article on the subject of the nullification of the U.S. Constitution, something near and dear to every Conservative whoever promoted Jeff Sessions’ or Willmoore Kendall’s anti-constitutional,  "radical-right legal theory,” upheld by all “Conservative,” and most “Moderate,” Judges who hear Guantanamo cases, that I thought it would bring some cheer here to the “Conservatives” and National Conservatives, to include those cheering on the wars of the latest Goldwaterite currently holding office, to know that the “Rule of Law” is still barred from Guantanamo!

“Goldwaterite” in the case of Biden for both being the last office holder who served under Goldwater as Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and as can be seen in his nuclear brinksmanship, and his obvious belief that “War is the Answer,” as a shared political theory with Goldwater and Scoop Jackson as ideological founders of bi-partisan Militarism. As well as the many other ideas shared on “Secrecy,” Unitary Executive Theory, “Full Spectrum U.S. Dominance of the World," and nullification of the First Amendment, all ideas first promulgated by Goldwater as an elected official for the RP, picked up by Scoop Jackson for the DP, and now ideas adopted by almost all our political class. That is, all the Republican Party, and most of the Democrats. Look to Goldwaterism, and the earlier manifestation of that, the Republican Hamiltonians who came to prominence in 1898, and set us on the course of attempting “Full Spectrum U.S. Dominance of the World,” as the “Origin” for such pre-fascist, and post-fascist, ideas. That so many Democrats have adopted such ideas doesn’t change the fact that the “Origin” of them is to be located in the “minds” and the “pens/keyboards” of the aforementioned Republicans/Conservatives, who continue to be the most zealous promoters and defenders of such “radical-right” ideas. With one of the “worst of the worst” of these having been Sen. Jeff Sessions, so favorably mentioned in a 2016 email I shared yesterday, leading to the conclusion that . . . .

Before I’m denounced by Jeff Sessions, Willmoore Kendall, and “New Right” adherents/fans as being “unqualified” to make this comment; in my capacity as a Guantanamo Appellate Defense Attorney, I necessarily had, and have, to do a “deep dive” into political and legal/constitutional theory, to understand and explain what has destroyed the “Rule of Law” in this country. Leading us to serial war crimes as National Policy, while I worked to avoid facile, partisan arguments in explaining that. When I got tired of explaining piecemeal that Military Commissions under the “Law of War” were in fact “an instrument of war,” as U.S. lawfare, and identical to the fascist form of “Legal Theory” and Proceedings as Jewish German attorney Ernst Fraenkel explained in The Dual State, as“Martial Law is the Constitution of National Socialist Germany.” Which is what National Conservative Peter Thiel’s favorite fascist ideologist, Carl Schmitt promoted. And so many on the Right, I mean almost all, call for when there is a Republican President. So tiring of a piecemeal approach, I wrote the article at the link below. “Instruments of War” is what Col. William Winthrop, the “Blackstone of  Military Law,” identified “Military Commissions” as, and that’s what they remain. Under the right wartime conditions, and without the Yoo/Republican fabricated “offenses,”and “jurisdictional bases, they have a place during actual battlefield conditions of wartime. But not at all today or under our current “wartime conditions,” though so long as our Perpetual War goes on, as it will, as its “Perpetual,” “martial law” provisions like Sec. 1021, will stay in force, as the USG DOD argued in Court when arguing that Noam Chomsky, Daniel Ellsberg, Chris Hedges, et al., can be placed in “Military detentions per the law of war, solely for their “expressive activities.” 

But where are the libertarians, like Rand Paul, Massie, et al., on that? Silent! And unwilling to do anything as I found out when I was able to make an in-person appeal to Rand Paul, who led me on that he actually “cared,” about the Constitution. Pure B.S. to get past the moment. That was probably 8 years ago, with not even crickets chirping from that corner. 

Military Commissions are what the USG (and Confederate States during, don’t give us any of that Conservative propaganda like comes out of Chronicles Magazine that the Confederates respected “rights,” and only Lincoln violated them, which according to Willmoore Kendall and George Carey, we shouldn’t have anyway) used during the Civil War, formalized as General Orders No. 100, or Lieber’s Code. Which was actually a Martial Law Order, to go with the Martial Law decree which was issued shortly before the issuance of G.O. No. 100, with this the best explanation I have come across of the reality of Lieber’s Code: 

Military Commissions, and Lieber’s Code, are in fact the Nullification of the Rule of Law and Constitutional Law, as I explained here when the great Bob Parry was editor of ConsortiumNews, and looked to substantive content, and not “brevity,” as qualification for articles:  

Admittedly, “brevity” is not my strong suit, but in fact, “brevity” is a disability when it comes to conveying “theory,” political, or legal, as by “omission,” it serves as self-censorship in “explaining” a complicated subject. Such as Guantanamo. 

But Sy Hersh does a great job of that in this article, far better than any attorneys I know have! Sy gets to the essence of them, which is the denial of “due process,” meaning “fair trial rights,” a war crime as I explained above. 

But I know Conservatives like Jeff Sessions will say, and have said, the opposite, as they’ve so celebrated Guantanamo and Military Commissions, and made them a totem to be worshipped, just like the AR-15! And they especially have a hard time with understanding complicated ideas, as evidence has been provided here so often, especially after “conditioning" themselves with simpleminded Trump Tweets since 2016!

So please forgive me again Sy for adding some additional context to explain the political and legal theory of why Guantanamo is still open, and who have been most zealous in maintaining it as a “Law-Free Zone.” Which explains the total absence of actual “due process” (one of those nasty Bill of Rights provisions which Willmoore Kendall and his side-kick George Carey so adamantly opposed. And with Guantanamo, finally succeeded in getting “Lawlessness” installed in at least a portion of American jurisprudence! Which they pushed so adamantly for as Conservatives, like Jeff Sessions, and his like-minded right-wing ideologues. 

But here is a particularly astute comment by Sy, which one will never see complained of by a “Conservative,” which is one reason I’ve become so vitriolic toward them and their anti-Constitutional theories! 

Quote: "In essence the appellate court adopted the government’s contention that the earlier proceedings against al-Hela and the use of classified intelligence to justify his detention did not violate his acknowledged constitutional right to due process. In so doing, the court was parroting the government’s two main arguments that had been used successfully in scores of prior detainee trials. The first was that federal courts should find that due process does not apply to Guantánamo detainees. The second was that even if you, as the judge, do conclude that due process applies in general to the cases brought by detainees, it doesn’t matter because the detainee got due process anyway. 

"All of this has been asserted again and again in federal courts with no sense of irony. al-Hela was told by the judge in the case in hand: “We assume without deciding that the Due Process Clause applies.” Al-Hela’s attorneys responded in a subsequent filing that their client would “continue to serve what amounts to a life sentence, as cruel in its own way as the horrific physical torture that he endured in the CIA’s ‘dark prisons.’”

Begin forwarded message:

From: Seymour Hersh <seymourhersh@substack.com>
Date: April 19, 2023 at 6:01:45 AM CDT
To: todd.e.pierce@icloud.com
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