Re: [Salon] US should not send more aid to fund 'proxy war' in Ukraine: Lawmaker

If only these Republican/Conservative “peaceniks” weren’t so eager for war against China! And doing all they can to incite it, and weren’t so eager to incite a “legal coup d’état” here in the U.S., and joining with Trump as co-belligerents with Israel against the Palestinians (and putting the U.S. in a “technical state of war,” so what is this lie about Trump not taking the U.S. into any new wars?) in Israel’s continuing “state of war” of the 1967 War, as it isn’t ended as long as Israel continues it military occupation, one might take them seriously as opposing our wars. Instead, these guys like Gosar aren’t even for “domestic peace,” let alone for overseas "peace,” with the “Main Enemy” overseas the “Red Chinese” (though that necessarily, and logically, includes Russia, notwithstanding the deception campaign that they “oppose war on Russia), in line with days of yore when the Conservative Movement incessantly asked “Who Lost China,” to incite the war in Vietnam, when there was never a way not to “lose China,” by such a discredited fascist as Chiang Kai-shek. But meet Paul Gosar:

Milley actually tried to avoid miscommunication with China that could precipitate a nuclear war, and Gosar denounces him as a traitor!

BLUF: "but I believe that we need to send a more defined message to Israel’s foes: if you are Israel’s enemy, then you are an enemy of the United States."

And as he joined with 57 fellow Republicans, many of them making up the New Right and “Conservative “peaceniks, so beloved by Responsible Statecraft, here in an act of war, and a war crime, in calling for the following: 
"To clarify that it is United States policy to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights."

Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Thank you, .
Quote Tweet
Fox News
WATCH LIVE: @POTUS to announce the US will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

If anyone should bump into Gosar, ask him how much he and his Republican colleagues, especially his New Right co-conspirators, are demanding in additional money for DOD/CIA, etc., to wage war against China (with Russia a mere "mopping up operation” with China out of the way, so these “China First” fanatics think, and how much for the war we’re co-belligerents in with Israel against the Palestinians as a continuing "Military Occupation;” “war,” under the 4th Geneva Convention, and now ”War Crime!"

And of course there is that “war” he and his fellow Conservatives are waging against the U.S. Constitution, in the finest tradition of Willmoore Kendall and George Carey, now escalated from mere “reinterpretation,” into the “Legal Revolution” of a Constitutional coup d’état underway, as Israel’s is, both under the identical “legal theory,” as one can read in Kendallian literature, with this a “trial balloon” more likely than a Freudian slip:

They corrected themselves. They don’t want to “terminate” it, they just want to delete the Bill of Rights Amendments, per Willmoore Kendall’s and George Carey’s recommendation and “restore it” as the so-called 1787 Philadelphia Constitution, sans Bill of Rights!

On Apr 24, 2023, at 4:23 PM, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

April 24, 2023

US should not send more aid to fund 'proxy war' in Ukraine: Lawmaker

  • CongressmanUS Congressman Paul Gosar questions United States Park Police acting Chief Gregory Monahan during a US House Natural Resources Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, on July 28, 2020 (Reuters)

US Congressman Paul Gosar said on Monday that the United States should not send additional assistance to fund a "proxy war" in Ukraine, adding that an audit must be conducted on US aid already provided to Kiev.

"Biden and Congress have already wasted nearly $200 billion American taxpayer dollars funding a proxy war in Ukraine. We should not send another dime to Ukraine and we should audit the money already sent there," Gosar told Sputnik.

The Republican lawmaker recently joined a group of other party lawmakers to introduce a resolution demanding an audit of the funds appropriated by Congress to Ukraine.

Gosar's spokesperson told Sputnik that to date, the Biden administration has yet to provide Congress with copies of all documents and any financial statements detailing purchases, recipients, and government expenditures related to congressionally appropriated funds given to Ukraine.

US journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh recently told RT that countries in the West are aware of the fact that some of the weapons sent to Ukraine are ending up in illicit markets, but their media are deliberately silent about it.

Hersh said months after the start of the Ukraine war, there were concerns about the reselling of advanced man-portable air defense missiles the West had sent to Ukraine, revealing that US broadcaster CBS wanted to publish a story about it but was forced to retract it.

The US journalist cited a source as saying that the CIA estimates Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has embezzled at least $400 million from US aid sent to Ukraine.

Western countries have been supplying military aid to Ukraine since the start of the war in February 2022. The aid evolved from lighter artillery munitions and training in 2022 to heavier weapons, including tanks, later that year and in 2023.

For the past several months Ukraine has been pushing to be supplied with fighter jets. The Kremlin, on its part, has repeatedly warned against continued arms deliveries to Kiev.

On Saturday, Andrij Melnyk, Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister, called on allies to increase the influx of weapons, saying that Kiev requires a tenfold increase in weapons supply and emphasizing that "red lines" should no longer hinder Western countries from supplying Ukraine with sophisticated weapons.

Read more: GOP urge Biden to stop supporting Kiev over risk of US-Russia war

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