[Salon] Niger has suspended the export of gold and uranium to France this Sunday with immediate effect

Niger has suspended the export of gold and uranium to France this Sunday with immediate effect

Zambian Observer, July 31, 2023

Niger has suspended the export of gold and uranium to France this Sunday with immediate effect.

France suspended aid to Niger after the recent coup. 1 out of every 3 light bulbs in France is powered with uranium from Niger.

The recent events between Niger and France are a complex situation with a long history. Here is a brief summary of the key points:

* Niger is a West African country that is rich in uranium resources. France is a major importer of uranium, and Niger is one of its largest suppliers.

* On July 26th, 2023, there was a coup in Niger. The coup leaders overthrew the democratically elected government and installed a military junta.

* France condemned the coup and suspended aid to Niger.

* In response to the French aid suspension, Niger suspended the export of gold and uranium to France.

* Niger’s decision to suspend uranium exports is significant because France relies on Niger for a significant portion of its uranium supply. According to the World Nuclear Association, Niger produced 2,248 tonnes of uranium in 2021, which accounted for about 5% of global production.

* The suspension of uranium exports could have a significant impact on the French nuclear power industry. France relies on nuclear power for about 70% of its electricity generation.

* The situation between Niger and France is still developing, and it is unclear how the two countries will resolve their differences. However, the recent events have highlighted the importance of uranium to both countries.

In addition to the points above, here are some other things to consider:

* The coup in Niger was the latest in a series of coups in West Africa in recent years. These coups have raised concerns about the stability of the region and the security of its natural resources.

The situation between Niger and France is a reminder of the complex relationship between resource-rich countries and their major trading partners. These relationships are often based on economic interdependence, but they can also be fraught with tension.

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