Forgive me Lord for sharing this as I know our Traditional Conservatives, National Conservatives, New Rightists, et al., will stampede to this website to sign on to this new Republican/Conservative “front group” presenting themselves as standing for “Freedom.” While they’re always demanding more military spending, as does the Freedom Caucus. But a list member who has expressed difficulty in understanding me helpfully sent the link below to me with the statement that "This what my group believes in.” Now I understand the “language difficulty” he has, explaining why he finds it difficult to understand me when most others don’t. I speak “anti-militarism,” and actual “Constitutionalism,” as my “cultural language.” This group to which he admits to belong to speaks “Doublespeak,” and “Militarism,” and “anti-Constitutionalism” as their “cultural language.” So I say thanks to this list member for providing such a complete list of who is arrayed against us few anti-militarists! And as evidence of the “fusion” of Libertarians, National Conservatives, Neoconservatives, Traditional Conservatives, Trumpites, DeFascistites, New Rightists, or, Democratic Fascists” in general, making my case that any “distinctions” within the “Right” are artificial or duplicitous, and intended as such . What a list of warmongers are put together here! As individuals, or “think tanks,” and publications, which have promoted U.S. hyper-militarism for decades now. Beginning with AEI (Daniele Pletka!) and Dick Armey, and going through the alphabet further, the Heritage Foundation, and the many Koch funded state organizations working tirelessly to subvert “decent” and “honest” government on behalf of the Republican Party, in the form of their own “Legal/Cultural Coup,” waged now for a few decades. As begun by Armey and Gingrich in 1994 (picking up from where the Traditional Conservative Reagan left off, though kudos to him for putting aside the hostile “Right,” and beginning to reach accommodations with nuclear armed countries) as the Contract for America, which Armey promoted in his book of long ago, "The Freedom Revolution.” Predictably, per the perpetual Republican Platform item, as did the Contract for America, it called for a “Stronger Defense,” and a “halt” to Clinton’s “march to a hollow military.” And instead, to “set in motion a Republican defense agenda for 1996.” And denouncing those “New Democrats” like Clinton and Biden, then, and now, as “counterfeit conservatives.” Which they’re a damned good “counterfeit" of as we see in Biden’s “War Agenda,” matching word for word (almost) the Republican’s violent language. So here we go, another political fraud by the "Right,” passing Damiele Pletka, Karl Rove, et al., off as standing for “Freedom.” Meaning in fact, the “freedom” of the Oligarchs to expropriate as much wealth from the rest of us as possible, while concealing that as “Freedom,” to include our waging wars on behalfof “Oligarch Interests!” And so many suckers fall for that, that it means US Perpetual War will continue, until our national suicide is complete. But check these duplicitous bas****s out, as just the examples I know of best. Starting at the top with the correct claim that there’s no difference between so-called “Freedom Conservatism,” and the extreme Zionist National Conservatism of TAC magazine, Peter Thiel, Dan McCarthy, the New Right, et al.: Michael Brendan Dougherty, a signatory to the National Conservatism statement of principles, tweeted that “I could have signed [the Freedom Conservatism statement] honestly” as well—arguing in National Review that if you compare the Freedom Conservatism and National Conservatism statements, there was overlap between the two, and was puzzled by the need for Freedom Conservatism. To ensure no one misses this, moving her up from below, as no one in USA is more insane for war than Pletka, and AEI. Which says it all about anyone who affiliates themselves with AEI, as some have done here, to include its initial role as a front for the Goldwater campaign: Danielle Pletka • @DPletkaAmerican Enterprise Institute Richard K. Armey • @DickArmey David L. Bahnsen • @DavidBahnsen Jeb Bush • @JebBush Jack Butler • @JackButler4815 John Byrnes • @JohnByrnes13 Mona Charen • @MonaCharen Lanhee Chen • @LanheeChen John Colman National Review James R. Copland • @JamesRCopland Johnny B. Davis Helms School of Government, Liberty University Soren Dayton • @SorenDayton Daniel Di Martino • @DanielDiMartino Trey Dimsdale • @TreyDimsdale Tiana Lowe Doescher • @TianaTheFirst Rick Esenberg • @RickEsenberg Williamson Evers Caleb Fuller • @CalebSFuller James K. Glassman • @JamesKGlassman1 Judge Glock • @JudgeGlock Jonah Goldberg • @JonahDispatch Joel Griffith • @JoelGriffith James Gwartney David Harsanyi • @DavidHarsanyi Kevin Hassett Steven F. Hayward • @StevenFHayward Quin Hillyer • @QuinHillyer The Washington Examiner Charles Hilu • @CharlesHilu73 Kim Holmes • @KimSmithHolmes Daniel Klein George Mason University Nevada Policy Research Institute Frank Lavin • @HelloFrankLavin Joseph G. Lehman Matt Lewis • @MattKLewis Rachel Lu • @RCLu Liberty Fund Hillsdale College Freedom Foundation of Minnesota Grover Norquist • @GroverNorquist Americans for Tax Reform Brent Orrell • @OrrellAEI Catherine R. Pakaluk • @CRPakaluk James Patterson • @McGillPatterson Center of the American Experiment Juliana Geran Pilon Danielle Pletka • @DPletka Ramesh Ponnuru • @RameshPonnuru Phillip Prange • @PhilPrange Richard M. Reinsch II • @Reinsch84 Tim Rice • @TimERice1 Victor Riches Dalibor Roháč • @DaliborRohac Noah Rothman • @NoahCRothman Karl Rove • @KarlRove Peter St. Onge • @ProfStOnge
Christina Sandefur • @CMSandefur Gabriel Scheinmann • @GabeScheinmann Christian Schneider • @Schneider_CM Ilya Shapiro • @IShapiro Aaron Stover • @ADStover Will Swaim • @WillSwaim Charlie Sykes • @SykesCharlie Wayne Thorburn Mark Tooley • @MarkDTooley John Tsarpalas • @JTsarpalas George F. Will • @GeorgeWill Kevin Williamson American Enterprise Institute