Another coup in the Sahel? Normally that makes the back pages of most Western dailies. For some reason, however, (boredom, probably), writers are salivating above the fold over whatever is happening in Niger. Some examples: Le Canard enchaîné: It’s the DGSE’s fault. Daily Telegraph: It’s Russia’s fault. Guardian: It’s Françafrique’s fault. Jerusalem Post: It’s Iran’s fault. Tass: It’s the economy’s fault. Wall Street Journal: It’s America’s fault. Or maybe it’s the fault of the man who just got himself overthrown by irritating the people a ruler most needs to appease: his own presidential guard. Talleyrand is free today. But if you enjoyed this post, you can tell Talleyrand that their writing is valuable by pledging a future subscription. You won't be charged unless they enable payments. © 2023 Talleyrand |