Friends & Colleagues
We're in the dog-days of summer. That's when only mad dogs and construction workers go out in the midday sun. Here in Texas, most are Latino immigrants - legal or illegal. Their plight is aggravated by a decree of Governor Greg Abbott that outlaws municipal
regulations that require a water break every 4 hours, such as that mandated in Austin, among other un-American practices. So goes the relentless war on workers - the most vulnerable singled out for the most abusive treatment.. One wonders: did the laborers
on the Pharaonic pyramids get treated this brutally?
This essay by Chris Hedges recounts how the campaign is targeting nurses in New Jersey, along with other healthcare providers. These are the people - overwhelmingly women - who were lauded as Heroines of the Republic back in the Covid days. They also are the
women who do not figure high on the agenda of the militants within the feminist movement. Similarly. the Democratic Governor, Phil Murphy, has washed his hands of the matter -in emulation of President Biden who swiftly broke the strike by the Railway Workers
union. If you want cold comfort, consider the fate of nurses in Britain's National Health Service who were coerced into signing a contract which in 2027 will leave them with an approximately 20% cut in real income relative to 2020. I guess that is the Tory
leadership's payback for their saving the life of a stricken Boris Johnson.
Michael Brenner
The front line against corporate tyranny is not the ballot box. It is in the desperate struggle by the overworked and underpaid to prevent corporate behemoths from turning everyone into gig workers. By Chris Hedges in New Brunswick, N.J. Original to ScheerPost
Judy Danella, president of Un