[Salon] GOP leaders' scheme to thwart what seemed like easy war powers bills

So the Senate passed the repeal of the 2002 AUMF (authorization to topple Saddam Hussein) in March; House passage seemed easy-peasy too (a repeal was actually passed in that chamber in 2021, with bipartisan votes). That's when the House leadership decided to throw a monkey wrench into the process. Now they are going to hold hearings for 1991, 2002, and 2001 AUMFs  and come up with a 'replacement,' since hawks contend that the more widely used 2001 AUMF (passed to authorize going after al Qaeda and associated forces in Afghanistan after 9/11) is necessary for the very security of our nation.

It's virtually a poison pill, as support for killing the 2001 is still soft, and Constitutional war powers advocates are loath to replace the outgoing AUMFs with anything. 

This is the swamp at work. Please read more Connor Echols here: https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2023/08/16/is-house-gop-leadership-trying-to-spike-war-powers-reform/ 



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