[Salon] Army 2003: an overview of the exhibits


“Army 2003”:  an overview of the exhibits

One reader of my article describing this week’s Moscow International Security Conference and exhibition entitled “Army 2003” commented that it would be nice to find a video showing off the trophy NATO hardware captured by the Russians on the field of battle in Ukraine and now displayed outdoors at the exhibition.

Today’s online edition of the authoritative Russian newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta satisfies that wish. See the section “Трофейная техника НАТО'' by following the link


This same article also provides fairly detailed information and some video clips of the most interesting new Russian produced equipment that the local manufacturers have put on display. 

Obviously the article is in Russian, but I have no doubt that readers will find adequate translations by cutting and pasting text into Google translate or Linguee software online.

So far, the exhibition organizers have provided no information about purchase contracts which may have been concluded with the procurement teams of the 30 countries which participated in Army 2023. 

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023


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