Re: [Salon] Life of Courage: A Tribute to Daniel Ellsberg's Legacy! - YouTube

Thanks for doing this, Todd.


On Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 9:30 AM Todd Pierce via Salon <> wrote:
World Premier underway as I send this. The text below explains it well, as the “unabridged” version of the previous video of the Daniel Ellsberg Tribute event Diane Perlman of the Committee for the Republic conceived of and organized. With help from John Henry also of the Committee, and myself. If you’ve seen the abridged version of this as previously shared by me and the “Committee for the Republic,” this has a lot of added content in the individual’s tributes as originally recorded for the event. Which I unfortunately had to edit for brevity. Not quite making me feel like I was ‘killing my child,” but given the importance of what these speakers all said, all previously edited, or not included in the previous email, it made me a bit sick!

Prof. Christian Appy lays out a case for Dan Ellsberg as the political/foreign policy “theorist” we should be studying, and adopting his “political thought,” if we’re to  avoid the worst consequences of what our Militaristic (lets be honest, “fascist”) foreign policy has brought us to the brink of.

My adoption of Dan Ellsberg’s political thought, beginning with the “right to know,” puts me 100% in opposition to the “New Authoritarians” (not at all new, as neither is the New Right) of the “New Right,” of Trumpites/DeSantisites, Claremonters, National Conservatives, et al., all so arduously promoted by The American Conservative magazine, and all having adopted the “political theory” of a featured Conservative in recent books on “Conservatism:” Willmoore Kendall. The “(Ideological) Father of the Israeli Legal Coup” currently underway. And as well, of the attempted “Claremont Coup" of 2021, as his idolaters correctly, and approvingly,  insist he, and James Burnham, are the "precursors” to Trump and Trumpism. Though they omit the the common link all have to Roy Cohn and Joe McCarthy.

Life of Courage Daniel Ellsberg, an American Hero Tribute Honoring Dan Ellsberg’s Legacy July 30, 2023, National Press Club This is the complete, original program, as planned by Diane Perlman and Todd E. Pierce, which had to be reduced in content due to the live event's time constraints. Which can be seen here: But this is now complete with full, unedited, tributes, and with additional tributes by Prof. Gar Alperovitz ("Mr. Boston"), retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern, and retired FBI agent Coleen Rowley, as originally put together. With information added on each of these presenter's connections to the "Dan Ellsberg Saga." In addition, at the end of this video is a tribute by name to some of the most heroic Whistleblowers who came after Dan Ellsberg, who were inspired by Dan, and/or followed in his footsteps, knowing they were doing the "right thing." With Dan having "shown the way," and "lighting the path."
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