Re: [Salon] US proxy warriors 'fear' that Ukrainians are 'casualty averse'

As all U.S. wars other than WW I and II (and they’re not as “clean” as our infantile minds like to believe), the “American Way of War” follows a pattern, with virtually no exceptions, since 1619 with Native Americans, but as a more recent year to choose, 1898. When Teddy Roosevelt and Republican “War Lovers,” Henry Cabot Lodge, Elihu Root, et al., took the U.S. to war on the false pretext to “Remember the Maine.”   A series of “Small Wars,” where the USMC developed its doctrine of the same name picked up from where Taft and Roosevelt left off enforcing the "Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine,” from 1921 to 1932 under Republicans Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover, in Latin America to continue the Republican tradition of always having us in a war at any given time (not excusing Wilson, FDR, and Truman, who weren’t much better, though to be historically accurate, never quite as bad. Read Stephen Kinzer on Teddy Roosevelt, the Dulles Brothers, etc., to see that. The Korean War was no different as by 1950, the transfer of political power to the military from civilians had largely been achieved, at the expense of the American people, and the world. And creating provocative conditions knowing they inevitably will lead to war as our intent is, for “plausible deniability, was by then up there with “Mom, apple pie, and General Motors,” as American symbols. With Korea explained here:

And nothing need be said of Vietnam and OpPlan-34A and how our DOD/CIA geniuses, succeeded in getting over 58,000 Americans killed and well over 1,000,000 “gooks,” as they were so often referred to as, killed. With “Traditional Conservative” deadenders still pushing books like “The Thirty Years War “ of how we were “stabbed in the back” by the media and the antiwar movement which they blame for causing us to "lose our will.” As Ludendorf had of the Socialists, and the “Jews” (to plant an embryonic idea in the German mind, for WW II). The "idea” Conservatives planted was that the “Liberals” made us “fight the war with our hands tied behind our backs,” as we still hear Conservatives say, and see in propagandistic movies overseen by DOD and CIA. 

So for anyone who has studied these wars, it should come as no surprise that we are seeing “Vietnam War Redux,” as "Deja Vu"-all over again.” The Ukraine War, as we we’ve been waging it against the ethnic Russias in league with Ukrainian fascists (as Trump officials boast of in escalating that) since before 2014, is so similar to the initial stages of Vietnam that we’re even hearing the Ukrainians are “casualty averse” now. Just as the US complained of the South Vietnamese. Which should have been the first clue that maybe they were the “wrong side?” It just doesn’t seem the “will” is there to fight, and die, as a proxy for the Global Hegemon! 

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