Re: [Salon] Disqualifying Trump under section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment

(Slow to send this.) Thanks for sharing Bruce’s LTE. I fully concur with his conclusion. And however corrupt virtually everyone else is in U.S. politics today, no one has taken that to the level of an attempted coup, overthrowing a Constitutional procedure (therefore, the Constitution), on the most obviously fallacious ground, acting through proxies, after having incited them. With the “Conspiracy” well laid out, showing direct involvement in the coup by Trump. To his “credit,” Trump was smart enough not to “lead” the mob on the march to the Capital, as ever since that German fellow in Munich did it that way; the “Lesson Learned” was it was better to achieve “Regime Change” electorally, using illicit means, as these folks specialize in, in installing “Democratic Fascists” in high office, like Trump and Modi, to name just two:

And using out-right lies like this to deceive the ignoramuses and suckers who declare he’s canceling the Neocons, and "ending the endless wars,” while “fighting the Blob.” Even while he enriched the Oligarchs and the MIC they depend on for their riches, like Koch and Peter Thiel do, to wage “endless wars.” While he “repositioned” US forces on the perimeters of China and Russia in preparation for what was self-evidently an escalation of the wars of aggression we’d been working toward since the 1990s, with “salami tactics,” plain to see for anyone with a brain.

On Aug 21, 2023, at 9:32 AM, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

David French underscores the urgency of disqualifying Donald Trump from the White House under section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment—even if the disqualification infuriates a popular majority.  The Constitution intends to restrain majoritarian impetuosities or frenzies.  James Madison, father of the Constitution, observed in Federalist 55, “Had every Athenian citizen been a Socrates, every Athenian assembly would still have been a mob.”


Mr. French omitted the need for a process to establish Mr. Trump’s January 6 engagement in insurrection against the United States.  A law review article is not due process. At least two avenues are available:  Special counsel Jack Smith’s could seek a superseding January 6 indictment adding an insurrection count pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2383; and, voters could seek Mr. Trump’s disqualification before electoral boards or secretaries of state in battleground States.  In cases of paramount political importance, the Supreme Court can and has acted with supersonic speed to review decisions of subordinate tribunals.  Think of Bush v. Gore (2000); United States v. Nixon (1974); New York Times v. United States (1971); and Youngstown Sheet & Tube v. Sawyer (1952).

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