[Salon] Baerbock confirms that the Russia sanctions do not work. But no change in politics


August 25, 2023

Baerbock confirms that the Russia sanctions do not work

But no change in politics

The German Foreign Minister, one of the most radical representatives of anti-Russian politics, has admitted that the Russia sanctions do not work. But she did not propose a change in her suicidal policy for Germany.

from anti-mirror

25. August 2023 05:00 am

Until now, it was considered Russian propaganda when people like me wrote that the Russia sanctions did not work. The Russian economy is growing despite the sanctions and since I live in Russia, I see every day that the sanctions have virtually no influence on the lives of the people in Russia. Instead, the sanctions harm those who introduced them, especially the EU states and especially Germany, which - also thanks to the sanctions - has just been replaced by Russia as the fifth largest economy in the world.

Baerbock admits that the sanctions don't work

Der Spiegel, which is one of the German media, which has always spread the legend that the sanctions would somehow work because Russia, for example, is falsifying its economic figures, has reported on Baerbock's statement under the heading "Russia's war against Ukraine - Baerbock disappointed by the effect of the Russian sanctions". In the article we learn:

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) was disappointed by the effect of the sanctions against Russia because of the war of aggression against Ukraine. "Actually, economic sanctions would have economic effects. But that's not the case. Because the logics of democracies do not affect autocracies," said the Green politician in an interview.

We note that Baerbock confirms what has so far been called "Russian propaganda": The Russia sanctions have no significant economic impact on Russia.

What Baerbock has pushed was interesting, because it once again impressively shows the "competence" of the trampoline jumper: According to her concentrated wisdom, the reason why the Russia sanctions do not work lies is that "the logics of democracies do not affect autocracies".

Can someone please explain to me what the form of government has to do with whether economic sanctions work? Can Putin, for example, sign a decree that says "I announce that the Western sanctions do not work" and then they actually do not work?

Okay, I admit that after Baerbock's 360-degree turn, we should no longer expect anything from her statements that goes beyond the level of a five-year-old child, but I can't help but still wonder again and again about the hahnebüchene nonsense that the lady makes - and that the German media also quote without comment.

Driving Germany to the wall at full throttle

I repeat: The sanctions have not only not harmed Russia, they have even helped it to become the fifth largest economy in the world, i.e. to take over Germany's previous place.

The reason lies only in the sanctions, because thanks to the sanctions, one of its formerly most important markets has broken away for Germany, on which the German economy has earned billions. In addition, the federal government has dispensed with cheap Russian energy sources, i.e. gas and oil, in order to buy it much more expensive elsewhere. This has led to an increase in energy costs, which in turn has led to an explosion of inflation. And this has led to an increase in interest rates, because the ECB is fighting inflation with interest rate increases. The increased interest rates reduce investment, which is bad for the economy.

I recently explained this in detail in an article, whereby the reason for my article was that you could now even read in the mirror that Germany is threatened with deindustrialization - which until recently was also "Russian propaganda" until recently, because Chancellor Scholz said in the spring that the German economy was doing excellently and that it is facing an upswing because of the expansion of renewable energies as in the time of the economic miracle of the 1950s.

But instead of calling for a rethink in order to try to save from the German (and European) economy what can still be saved, Baerbock said nothing about the question. She wants to stick to the suicidal policy that does not harm Russia, but drives Germany and the EU to ruin.

"Rational measures"

The following Baerbock quote from the same interview could also be read in the mirror:

"We have experienced that with rational decisions, rational measures taken between civilized governments, this war cannot end."

What "rational decisions, rational measures" does the lady talk about? Is it "rational" to pursue a policy that opponents do not suffer from, but that can destroy you?

And the wording that it is about measures "that are taken between civilized governments" is also pure mockery. It should be remembered that unilateral economic sanctions contradict international law because the UN Charter, i.e. the basis of international law, only grants the UN Security Council the right to issue sanctions covered by international law. So is it "civilized" for Ms. Baerbock to break international law?

Western "economists" at the Spiegel

Of course, the Spiegel still believes that Russia is actually doing badly. It sounds like this with the mirror:

The Western allies had imposed massive economic punitive measures on Russia after the attack on Ukraine. Nevertheless, the Russian economy is growing, while the German one slipped into a recession at the beginning of the year. However, Western economists emphasize that Russia owes the growth mainly to its war economy and the massively increased production of weapons and ammunition. This is not sustainable growth."

I live in Russia and I cannot confirm that consumption, which "Western economists" call sustainable, has collapsed. The Russians shop, fly on vacation, buy cars and so on.

But even if we want to believe for a moment that the Russian economy has only been saved from the economic disaster by the production of weapons, what about the USA? Apart from weapons, hardly anything is produced there, because the US industry has moved its production to cheaper countries as part of the globalization formerly celebrated by the West. It is not for nothing that the USA has a trade deficit of 91 billion dollars - not per year, but only in the month of June 2023.

Russia, on the other hand, has a trade profile, so it exports more than it imports.

But for some reason, the "Western economists", whom Der Spiegel so cheerfully quotes, do not come up with the idea of talking about the US economy that it has no "sustainable growth". If the German media put the word "western" before the word "expert" (or in this case "economist"), one should immediately doubt their statements, because they are now nothing more than propagandists, as this example shows.

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