Chas just posted the Hersh article below, while I was digging up some historical background for it before I shared it. But better late than never, so here it is with some historical background added. First, Gen. Taguba is a genuine Hero, though that wasn’t his intent, as Sy explains. Or he should have been; heralded at the highest level of the USG! Like Daniel Ellsberg should have been! Both in their separate ways revealed to the American people the utter and absolute bankruptcy of U.S. self-defeating policy, and the criminal incompetence of the people “in charge,” our “National Security Managers, the truth of this Taguba quote from the article, in pertinent part: 

“But integrity in the military and elsewhere is a bumper sticker. There is no reward for telling the truth.”

 I have unapologetically been railing against “Conservatives” here (as a former one myself, a “National Security Conservative, as are most service-members who attain any rank), presenting themselves as “Non-interventionist Conservatives,” others as “Traditional Conservatives,” with the latter “defined" for us here by our "Resident Traditional Conservative” by naming those who most embody Traditional Conservatism: Willmoore Kendall, James Burnham, and Barry Goldwater, by name. Of contemporary “Trads,” Jeff Session was particularly praised as one whom Trump should include in his cabinet (look it up in past emails here). 

With Trump of course, being praised above all (until the more “ideologically pure” DeSantis came along to challenge him) by the self-identified Traditional Conservatives, Non-interventionist Conservatives, National Conservatives; all constituting the self-named (and hereafter) “New Right,” as featured here: https://quincyinst.org/event/the-new-right-ukraine-marks-major-foreign-policy-shift-among-conservatives/. For any newcomers on this list, this stands as Ex. A for the Taguba quote above, but as the obverse of it, as some of the Quincy Institute/The American Conservative magazine’s “foreign policy experts” soiled themselves intellectually beyond all repair (think, FUBAR). But well-rewarded for it, with their “non-truth telling” (Hannah Arendt called the same, “Lying”) of “Conservative Restraint,” a masterpiece of "airbrushing history,” with their false claim of Republican/Conservative “foreign policy restraint.” 

Which to see the falsity of that “Big Lie,” one only needs to read Steven Kinzer’s books, particularly “The True Flag,” described here: 


and "The Brothers” ("The Republican Brothers”), described here:


And here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k7faPE5B_Y.

Which made this Kinzer article so perplexing, and disappointing, as if one was seeing “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers” (To paraphrase this from Wikipedia: "After their takeover, Americans will lose all emotions and sense of individuality, creating a simplistic, bleak world,” which describes our perpetual War quite well!) live:


With this odious statement standing out: "Republicans have repeatedly emerged as powerful voices opposing US intervention abroad. Today’s antiwar Republicans are calling the party back to its roots.” 

WTF! After the very accurate histories he had previously written on Republican's/Conservative’s, hyper-militaristic war-making, encompassing their entire post-Civil War history, but picked up by Kinzer with their “overseas” imperialist history commencing in 1898 (to include Hawaii’s annexation, as described here, after the anti-[overseas] imperialist, Democrat Cleveland, opposed it), what happened? That statement is the stereotype that pro-war, Imperialist Democrats would like us to believe, but it’s not the “real thing.” As the uber-Imperialist Republicans Kinzer wrote of in his books are! 

So how could he have picked up such a falsehood? Perhaps reading The American Conservative (TAC) in its current, post-2015 Straussian/Schmittian/Kendallian form or listening to TAC influenced  Quincy Institute events, like the aforementioned with the New Right’s propaganda? 

But why do I harp on this and will continue to, even though the Democrats now embody (almost) the worst of the worst of Goldwaterism, as they imbibed by way of Goldwater’s good friend, and fellow “National Security State” ideologist, Scoop Jackson? (The ideological founder of today’s Democratic Party.) Not to promote a Goldwaterite, of either party, which I oppose in both parties, as each, similar to what is said of dysfunctional families, to paraphrase, are “fanatically militaristic in their own way.” 

But to oppose and reveal the “Big Lie” of Trumpism, which first got him elected (against an equally fanatical militarist in her earlier incarnation as a “Goldwater Girl," now back in full force), by micro-targeting simple minded “non-interventionist conservatives” and Ron Paul libertarians, with the false claim that Trump was “going to end the endless wars.” And no massive increase of Trump military spending and the continuing encirclements of China and Russia (and outright, “clandestine” war, against Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba) could dislodge that lie from their minds. It had infected, as intended as all “propaganda,” their “subconscious,” as a success of “subliminal propaganda.” Just as the CIA had developed as “coup strategy,” and utilized first by right-winger Arthur Finkelstein’s with his “Six-Party Theory” of political campaigning, beginning with Nixon in 1972. 

So the Hersh article below helps reveal the “Big Lie” of “Republican/Conservative restraint,” as the “New Right” continues to “revise history,” recent, and less recent. What we saw onstage the other night, amongst the absolutely fanatical, Uber-militaristic Republican Party, was the same strategy by “Vivek” in distinguishing himself from his fellow war fanatics as Trump did in 2016. With dualistic messaging aimed at two separate audiences, each necessary for the nomination, and neither “smart” enough to see how they’re being “played.” As Trump, his Claremont Institute/Hillsdale College “influencers,” and his Israel based “Conservative” election interference specialists of “private” Intell firms, as Adelson and Netanyahu put to work for him, did in 2016 to secure the nomination for him. 

More on that later, knowing it’s over the objections of “Traditional/National Conservatives” here. But with a need of someone having to call them out, without the disingenuous, easily refuted, Democratic Party and Never-Trump  tropes, that merely enhance Trump’s appeal, to the falsely named “Non-interventionist Conservatives” here. But in the meantime, try and grasp that Ramaswamy, like Trump, and Gaetz, and all the other mythological “Right-wing Peaceniks,” usefully identified by their subservience to Trump, like the Quincy Institute celebrated Warren Davidson, prioritize waging war against China, with Russia then a mere “mopping-up operation” without China at their back. With any “thinking” people aware that war against one, necessarily includes war against the other. As each knows that "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately," as the target of U.S. military aggression. As they came to fully realize in 2003!

https://theohiostar.com/news/republican-presidential-candidate-vivek-ramaswamy-lays-out-peace-deal-to-end-war-in-ukraine-sever-russias-partnership-with-china/mkittle/2023/06/02/ (No quote from this, as the whole “strategy” is insane, on multiple levels, as the few sane people remaining here will immediately recognize.) 

But enough on that, so read Sy Hersh’s article below, if you haven’t already with Chas having shared it, and (re-)read Gen. Taguba’s quote from above. 

And that applies equally to political campaigning today, as TAC and Quincy Institute show when they join together to promote Trump supporting “Non-interventionist (War on China First) Conservatives," out of the most authoritarian faction of Republicans seen since the Joe McCarthy supporting and promoting “Conservative Movement” came into existence. With their Führer, I mean, Leader, Ex. A for that, as this clip shows: 

"We can’t be soft and weak,” so sayeth Der Führer, I mean, Trump, equating the non-use of torture, to the foregoing, “soft and weak.” Just like his one-time, and no doubt, future, BFF (Best Fascist Friend), Netanyahu, always says, both echoing  . . . Trujillo. Whom Traditional Conservative Founding Father Willmoore Kendall thought so highly of: "Kendall, who visited Trujillo’s Dominican Republic, wrote Leo Strauss in a 1957 letter that the military strongman had gotten a bum rap: El Jefe’s bloody and corrupt rule actually exemplified “Hobbes’ ‘public-spirited philosophy,’ in your own phrase, translated into palpitating reality; wherefore to call it, as men commonly do, a dictatorship based on something called force, is to miss all in it that is most interesting.”

And speaking of Traditional Conservatives, and the one held in highest regard by Mr. Traditional Conservative here, this reminds us of the “real” Traditional Conservative” position on the Iraq War, notwithstanding perhaps at most, a mere handful of TC’s who opposed it, with none of them in Congress, like this guy was:


Republicans rushed to defend the Army, and the Pentagon's longstanding argument that a handful of rogue jailers were responsible for the misconduct at Abu Ghraib. ``We should not overreact,'' said Senator Jeff Sessions, an Alabama Republican. ``We want our soldiers, right up to the limit of what they legally can do, to obtain good intelligence, to help save lives.'' 

And that gives away the “true nature” of Traditional Conservatives!

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