Re: [Salon] How Putin might benefit from taking Prigozhin out

How does one countenance an evaluation of how an assassination benefits the assassin?  Is it to show that there was purpose behind the barbaric act and, therefore, some superior motive?   Is it to reveal the assassin's  brilliant Macchiavellian maneuvers?  Or is it just to normalize an act of terror? Of course Putin killed Prigozhin because it strengthened his hold on power.  You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. 
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On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 2:50 PM Kelley Vlahos via Salon <> wrote:
Anatol Lieven and George Beebe on why Putin had an interest in eliminating Prigozhin, and how the Wagner chief's demise might have actually strengthened Putin's power inside Moscow:

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