[Salon] Maria Zakharova on Depleted Uranium: Dead Land: Western Depleted Uranium Shells Turn Ukraine into Uninhabitable Territory.


Maria Zakharova on Depleted Uranium: Dead Land: Western Depleted Uranium Shells Turn Ukraine into Uninhabitable Territory

Karl Sanchez   August 25, 2023

Today, Maria’s short article on DU—”Dead Land: Western Depleted Uranium Shells Turn Ukraine into Uninhabitable Territory”—was published by Komsomolskaya Pravdaand contains a very interesting historical note along with some excellent empirical information. Yes, it’s a break from further BRICS documentation. Many millions have suffered and died from DU, but NATO continues its campaign to cover up reality just as the Outlaw US Empire continues with Agent Orange and its other chemical WMDs. Here’s Maria:

The Nazis invented the use of depleted uranium as an armor-piercing weapon. In 1943, there was a failure in the supply of wolframite and the Reich Minister of Armaments and Military Production of Nazi Germany, A. Speer, gave the order to use depleted uranium.

At that time, it was not yet obvious how dangerous uranium was as a weapon, and until the 1990s, all data on this subject were controversial. However, the use of depleted uranium ammunition by NATO troops during the aggression in Yugoslavia became an inhuman experiment and demonstrated the real consequences of its use on living people.

In 2015-2017, the Italian parliament (as the country whose contingent most actively used depleted uranium ammunition during the NATO aggression in the Balkans) issued a 252-page report on the effects of depleted uranium and radioactive thorium on the military personnel of the Italian armed forces. According to studies commissioned by the parliamentary commission, in places where depleted uranium ammunition was used, a multiple increase in cancer is recorded. Accurate data were published on the Italian military who used depleted uranium ammunition. Of the 7500 exposed to toxic substances and radiation, 372 people died (5% mortality: every 20th person). Moreover, they died from painful oncological complications: kidney dysfunction, lung cancer, bone cancer, esophageal cancer, degenerative skin development, Hodgkin's lymphoma, leukemia.

Now, unfortunately, the threat that Russia has repeatedly warned the Ukrainian population about is confirmed on Ukrainian territory. Due to the supply of radioactive and highly toxic British and American depleted uranium munitions, Ukraine is turning into an uninhabitable land. Radiation contamination of the soil is already occurring.

It is objectively recorded.

Here are the indicators of the Khmelnytsky region of Ukraine. In May, a significant surge in background radiation was recorded there - from 80 nanosieverts to 140-160 nanosieverts.

A characteristic peak - a surge in radioactivity - in the same numbers was recordedin the eastern provinces of Poland. The reason is probably the same as in Ukraine: the explosion of depleted uranium ammunition, which was placed in a warehouse in the city of Khmelnitsky.

Local authorities in May even issued warnings on what to do in the event of an increase in the radiophone.

Over the course of the month, the background in the air has leveled off, but this is a classic "fallout" - just radioactive fallout descended under the influence of gravity to the ground.

Apparently, all the soil, all the land that was under the cloud that rose above the warehouse, as well as in the vicinity of it, is already contaminated with radionuclides. To reclaim this land, it will take a long and expensive decontamination procedure.

Every depleted uranium ammunition depot, every tank filled with such ammunition is potentially a surge of oncology on the charts, a dead and poisonous land, a mortal danger to all living things.

Ukrainians should understand that the British are supplying real poison - a guarantee of cancerous tumors, and demand that depleted uranium shells be removed from the country as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, I doubt many Ukrainians will read Maria’s words, and we already have ample evidence that those in Kiev don’t give a damn about their citizens as they slaughter them by the thousands. 

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