[Salon] Make History or End it: An Existential Civilizational Choice


Make History or End it: An Existential Civilizational Choice

It wasn’t long ago that every forward-thinking American politician understood that the unipolar world order under the U.S. leadership was the only game in town.

Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor and Trilateral Commission co-founder Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote the following in his 1997 


“How the United States both manipulates and accommodates the principal geostrategic players on the Eurasian chessboard and how it manages Eurasia’s key geopolitical pivots will be critical to the longevity and stability of America’s global primacy.”

Anyone resisting this new normal was considered a holdout of an obsolete past age and ignorant of the inevitable Darwinian forces of natural selection propelling humanity towards a long-awaited ‘end of history’ as outlined by neo-con academic Francis Fukuyama who is now mingling with the members of Ukrainian “Azov battalion” which up until recently was described in the U.S. Congress

Ironically, this philosophy brought to the White House a self-proclaimed “World leader” named Joseph Biden, a pathetic and corrupt throwback of an obsolete past with no geostrategic vision or acknowledgment of reality.

In his 1992 article ‘

  Biden was equally “foresighted” in jumping on the “End of History” bandwagon even before Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Kagan, and other advocates of the U.S. world’s hegemony. 

In 1998 Biden was also instrumental in getting enough Senate votes in favor of NATO expansion which New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan warned would be “the opening door to future nuclear war.” 

Too few realized that for the unipolarists NATO was meant to evolve into a global military force with a jurisdiction stretching far beyond the limits of the North Atlantic.

The premise that history could come to an end is based entirely on the presumption that human nature is programmable like any computer and defined by those whose strength can subdue the weak in a world of diminishing returns.

Once sufficient power is consolidated into the hands of a few alphas, advocates of unipolarity believed that no resistance to the inevitable world empire is possible. All that awaits humanity is to be assimilated. Whether in politics, finance or intelligence community, one’s willingness to become a creature of this system will determine whether your life will be categorized among the few elite ‘haves’ at the top of the pyramid or the multitude of slavish ‘have-nots’ at the bottom.

Some believed that the evils done in the name of this theory were simply necessary means toward just ends.

The weaponization of finance in the form of sanctions, economic speculation, and usurious loans tied to punitive conditionalities didn’t stop after the Cold War ended but only increased with the World Bank, IMF, and World Trade Organization which continued to serve as enforcement mechanisms for neo-colonialism rather than actual instruments for national development as they were intended to become during

No large-scale infrastructure was built in poor recipient nations and only obsessive demands for “fiscal austerity” via budget cuts, privatization, structural adjustment, and cash-cropping were enforced across the developing sector.

Beyond military interventions and economic warfare the methods of color revolutions and regime change operations also have been implemented. Organizations  such as George Soros’ “Open Society Foundations” or the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) bankrolled the overthrow of governments that didn’t abide by the “End of History” formula.

Things were moving along with a destructive force that few could question or resist for almost two decades when it seemed that NATO could expand eastward without much resistance.

But then something new began to happen, and the old script stopped working. The old grand chess master Zbigniew Brzezinski was right when he warned his disciples that “the most dangerous scenario would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, and perhaps Iran, an ‘antihegemonic’ coalition united not by ideology but by complementary grievances.”

The coalition of these nations into a united Eurasian and Latin American bloc now called the “Global South” caused some to contemplate that instead of clash of civilizations per

there is a possibility that they could actually work together for common aims.

Perhaps this process of cooperation was actually more natural and more in harmony with “Natural Law” than the Hobbesian theory that diverse civilizations were destined to fight in a world of each against all until a supranational leviathan could impose ‘order’ from above.

China’s “The Belt and Road Initiative”, Russia’s “Eurasian Economic Union”, the African Union’s 

, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), BRICS began to develop rail corridors, energy deals, and industrial zones that might grow into the new multipolar alliance. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina, UAE will soon become full members of , and over 40 other nations have made their intentions to join this multipolar block. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization has grown to a robust coalition numbering 9 states and 

If humanity was not composed of organic hackable machines, but actual citizens with unalienable rights and powers of genius capable of making new discoveries in science and the arts, then perhaps the “End of History” was always an illusion.

Presently America is deeply divided, and when Biden, his supporters, and the Deep State are pushing all of us toward nuclear Armageddon it is the time for “The Other America” to reject the continuation of hegemonistic approach, and join the rest of the world in selecting a new  win-win civilizational choice when all nations on this planet enjoy a real equality and justice for all.  

Judging from demographic, geographic, and even economic factors, humankind is inclined to follow this path… so why not America?    

Matthew Ehret is Vice-President of the Rising Tide Foundation and Senior Fellow of the American University in Moscow

Edward Lozansky is President of the American University in Moscow

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