Re: [Salon] On Stupidity

With all respect Warren, commending you and your Berkeley Conservatives for standing with the “Free Speech Movement first, but I think your Berkeley branch of Conservatives didn’t quite get Goldwater correct. Nor did you "get the memo” from his backers in the Conservative Movement (National Review) that “Free Speech” was “Verboten!” (Read what Willmoore Kendall and George Carey wrote against it, as I’ve freely shared.) 

You write: (it did not met (sic) his requirements of American interest needed to stay and fight decisively). While that might have been the opinion of your “Berkeley Conservatives,” can you cite a source for Goldwater ever saying that, beyond that Berkeley Conservative opinion? About any U.S. war during his lifetime? I make a practice after having been the object of attack by “Traditional Conservatives” so often here, of trying to provide “evidence” for everything I state, as I do here (see below). And notwithstanding “criticism” of what I state, I stand by the evidence I provide, and welcome opposing views as I oppose censorship on this list, even, or especially, when it's not “concise,” but provides context, as required in any propaganda, and/or, political analysis. With readers here all having the “freedom” to delete anything they prefer not to read, without even opening it. As I do in national policy, and in opposition to the pro-censorship ideas of Traditional Conservatives Willmoore Kendall, Carey, and James Burnham which they were so ardent for in their writings. And as those writings are promoted so zealously today by Traditional Conservatives. 

That said, I never saw any evidence for your “Berkeley Conservative” belief of that in the ASU Goldwater archives. Instead there’s ample evidence that Goldwater believed that “to stay and fight decisively” always included use of nuclear weapons! As did his fellow Air Force General and friend, Curtis LeMay! That is abundantly clear in reading so much evidence of that in Goldwater’s correspondence. Showing that in every way, he can be said to be the “founder” of not only “Traditional Conservatism” in its embryonic and growth stages as its highest elected official after McCarthy’s time had passed,  but also with his “ideas,” of Neoconservatism. With all its militaristic vices, as a later off-shoot of what he is credited for founding as “Traditional Conservatism.” And imparted to his friend Scoop Jackson, as another “wing” of Conservatism, each sharing an identical “National Security State Ideology, as first created by the “Traditional Conservative” ideological the triumvirate of Kendall, Burnham, and Buckley.

And the “ideas" of extreme militarism in each of the “Trans” and the “Neos,” and the New Right of today, originated” in the fevered “National Security Ideas” of the ideological founders of the “Conservative Movement.” Which became in fact the “political/ideological arm" of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Military industrial Complex they were helping "birth.” As would become fully apparent during the Vietnam War, with Goldwater leading the charge as the highest elected U.S. official  of that “persuasion.” After Joe McCarthy, and his  political ally Robert Taft passed from the scene, having jointly campaigned for Goldwater! 

The highly influential book, upon and celebrated by, to this day, Conservatives, Goldwater’s book “The Conscience of a Conservative,” Chapter 10 in particular, makes that quite clear. And clear that he fully believed in using nuclear weapons both as what Thomas Schelling advocated as the “Diplomacy of Violence,” and in escalating “conventional war” to nuclear war. Leaving no doubt why he denounced Daniel Ellsberg as a “traitor,” in seeing “warfare” like the Germans did, and too many Americans, as requiring suppression of any dissent. As so zealously argued by Willmoore Kendall, et al. With Goldwater’s views on war, as more fully articulated by Brent Bozell from Goldwater’s speeches put into book form in 1960 (Berkeley so distant Berkeley Conservatives hadn’t heard of it?). The “Soviet Threat,” being vastly exaggerated as we know, as did many so-called “Liberals” of the day, denounced by Conservatives, extended well beyond the USSR, as can be seen in this chapter. With an open profession of U.S. aggression and militarism as Goldwater’s solution to the “Threat” (speaking as a one-time “National Security Conservative.”) 

Attachment: Chap. 10, The Conscience of a Conservative.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

A little more than a decade ago, and for a few years thereafter, when I first joined this email list and became involved with the Committee for the Republic, Chalmers Johnson was alive and writing, with his opinion pieces frequently shared on this List as representative of the Committee for the Republic’s point of view. But, beginning in about 2016, an opposing narrative began to be shared here, celebrating the “Conservative Movement’s” ideological founders, particularly Goldwater as the supposed "fount of wisdom” we should turn to, along with the aforementioned anti-free speech gang. But here is Chalmer’s Johnson’s book review of Daniel Ellsberg’s “Secrets”: 
BLUF: "He believed that these deceptions were necessary ploys to defeat the Republican candidate, Senator Barry Goldwater, who wanted to use nuclear weapons against Vietnam and China.” 

And who, Goldwater, would later denounce Ellsberg as a “Traitor” for interfering by revealing the shameful facts of the Vietnam War which Goldwater was such a zealous supporter of!

So how did the Republicans stand 

BLUF: "Forty years ago, however, that criticism was leveled not so much at Ellsberg but at the New York Times. "When publishers and editors decide on their own what security laws to obey," Sen. Barry Goldwater said in response to the publication of the Pentagon Papers, "it puts them in the same category as those radicals who foment civil and criminal disobedience of laws they disagree with for moral reasons.” Oh my!

Quote: "Many of Gravel’s colleagues were angered by his Senate ploy. Barry Goldwater called him a traitor to his face. There was talk of sanctions. “The Republicans in the Senate, with minority leader Gerald Ford, came over to visit Mike Mansfield, the majority leader,” says Gravel. “They said, ‘We want to talk to you about Gravel,’ and Mansfield, sucking quietly on his pipe, said, ‘Well, I don’t know he’s done anything wrong.’ That cut them off at the knees. Mansfield gave me total protection.”

BLUF: "The Joint Chiefs recommended hitting targets up to the Chinese border. Ellsberg suspects their real aim was to provoke China into responding. If the Chinese came in, the Joint Chiefs took for granted we would cross into China and use nuclear weapons to demolish the communists. Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower also recommended to Johnson that we use nuclear weapons in both North and South Vietnam. Indeed, during the 1964 presidential campaign, Republican nominee Barry Goldwater argued for nuclear attacks as well. Johnson feared that the Joint Chiefs would resign and go public if Johnson didn't follow at least some of their recommendation and he needed some Republican support for the "Great Society" and the "War on Poverty." Fortunately, Johnson resisted their most extreme proposals, even though the Joint Chiefs regarded them as essential to success.”

As much criticism as Johnson merits, it is virtually indisputable that had Goldwater been President, he would have done the bidding of the JCS, as he was their vocal spokesman in the Senate, and to the American people. And he wasn’t “awokened” to nuclear war as Reagan would be later, after seeing “The Day After,” (for which he was severely criticized by his fellow Conservatives, I well recall, with Goldwater more fanatically wedded to militarism. 

So who would Conservative ideologues have preferred after “Nixon went to China.” For Buckley, it was the “Robert A. Taft Conservative,” John Ashbrook, who didn’t have the “coziness to Communist China and Russia” that Buckley accused Nixon of:  

So much for any “Right-wing Peacenik” tradition of Conservative Republicans, with the few remaining non-Conservative Republicans after Vietnam eventually drummed out of the party or so demonized as “Liberal,” that those few weren’t allowed much if any say in foreign policy. As these chapters of Pete McCloskey’s book, "Truth and Untruth: Political Deceit in America,” shows how out of touch he was with Nixon’s wing of Republicans, and even more so with Goldwater’s “Conservative-wing,” now in its glory as the “New Right.” 

Attachment: 2. The Need for Skepticism.pdf
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Attachment: 17. News Management and the Attack on the Press.pdf
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Attachment: 13. Retreat in Mississippi.pdf
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Attachment: 3. Truth as an Element of Faith.pdf
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Attachment: 9. Briefings of Congressmen.pdf
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Attachment: 14. The Principle of Judicial Independence.pdf
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Attachment: Front Matter.pdf
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Attachment: Foreword.pdf
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Attachment: 5. Executive Privilege-A Means of Concealing Truth.pdf
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All of which is to point out that the “Conservative Movement” and its ideologues, stood/stands against everything the Committee for the Republic professes to stand for! And no amount of "Right-revisionism” can change those facts, notwithstanding “opinions” attempting to “revise" those facts.

On Aug 28, 2023, at 8:56 AM, Warren Coats via Salon <> wrote:

More reflections on the Vietnam war

In the mid 1960s I was a member of the Free Speech Movement Council (by virtue of being President of the Berkeley University Conservatives). We all believed in free speech back then. We took Barry Goldwater’s assessment of the Vietnam War as a call to withdraw (it did not met his requirements of American interest needed to stay and fight decisively). He was surely right.  It was a turbulent time at Berkeley but I did enjoy the free concerts Joan Baez gave on the steps of Sproul Hall every Friday.


Warren Coats
1211 S Eads St. #2101
Arlington VA 22202
Mobile 703 608-2975

On Aug 28, 2023, at 9:32 AM, Tom Pauken via Salon <> wrote:

The blanket assertion that all commanders in Vietnam were “stupid” is evidence of one who knows little about the situation on the ground in Vietnam as of the late 1960s. General Abrams, who replaced Westmoreland, understood the seriousness of the situation there as did Colonel Lee whom I served under at J2, Strategic Research & Analysis and many other of our military leaders. The strategic mistake had been made years earlier, in 1963, when Roger Hilsman and Averill Harriman, engineered a coup—the overthrow of President Diem and his replacement by Big Minh, who had Diem and his brother assasinated the following morning. Before, we were just advisors in Vietnam. Afterwards, it became America’s war.  By the way, those knowledgeable (and on the scene) like Edward Lansdale, Sir Robert Thompson, and William Colby, were all opposed to the overthrow of President Diem. (I understand Vice President Johnson was against it, also).  Big Minh was put in Diem’s place , but was gone months later. He later surfaced as President to sign the surrender documents in 1975 to the North Vietnamese Communists. 
There was a lot of stupidity going on when it comes to Vietnam, not just from elements in the military. The American media (particularly the New York Times which encouraged the replacement of Diem) got it mainly wrong as did McNamera and his civilian whiz kids with their flawed strategy as to to wage the war. But Hilsman and Harriman did the most serious damage with their shortsighted call to get rid of President Diem. The history of that period is best laid out by Canadian historian Geoffrey Shaw in his book “The Lost Mandate of Heaven: The American Betrayal of Ngo Dinh Diem.” Tom Pauken

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 28, 2023, at 1:49 AM, Edward Hughes via Salon <> wrote:

Hi Todd - thanks for explaining things to me but I fail to see the element of scorn in referring to Prof Brennan as "the good professor."  In any case you are right that many objections to the conduct of the war in Vietnam have been along the lines that if we had applied the full might of our military power, presumably including bombing them into the stone age, we would have won. Not  quite the "stab in the back" but close to it. 

+1 (617) 306 2577

On Sun, Aug 27, 2023 at 8:56 PM Todd Pierce <> wrote:
Dear Edward,

How long of a list did he need to provide before you don’t scornfully mock him as the “good professor?”

Knowing the insightful Professor somewhat, and his political positions, I know he would be critical of 1, 2, and 3, below as well! And smart enough to recognize that they’re “part of a pattern,” daisy-chained down to the present, with the “Final Stage” the War for Eurasia, as British and American “Strategists” called for since the 19th century. And guess what? Variations of the theory are taught in U.S. military schools as “Strategy,” even more today, as Huntington and others of his ilk are taught, along with such Imperialistic War Plans as the "Pentagons’ New Map,” as it was on all the four-stars reading lists only a decade ago, if not still on them.  

And to # 4, I suggest a course in “critical reading” for you, and to read the "original source” of what politicians say, and not what their opponents say. How was it "Trump’s goal to dissolve NATO,” when he was twisting European arms, and sending underlings for that purpose, for them to "pay more tribute,” 2% of GNP or more (see DeSantis, the so-called “Ukraine War Opponent, calling for the same, and that other clown on stage earlier this week, pulling the wool over so many people’s eyes who believe their lies that they oppose US wars, as they believed Trump’s lies), to what is in fact, simply a "U.S. Supreme Military Command," always under the Command of a U.S. four-star officer. Like two in particular notable for their active war-incitement provocations, the war-fevered AF General Philip Breedlove and Admiral James Stavridis, serving as the U.S. Satrap in Europe as "Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR)," which includes as the "commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) Allied Command Operations (ACO) and head of ACO's headquarters, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe(SHAPE)."

All of which is arrayed against Russia (and China/Iran) with both Breedlove and Stavridis both regularly having engaged in deliberate provocations of Russia. Just as one would have expected German military leaders to act in proximity to France and Poland in 1938-early 1939. 

Here is the definition of “stupid” a friend who worked in the highest echelons of the USG during “Wartime” of the past 20+ years, shared with me to describe our current “Leaders.” He wrote: "But “‘stupid' in its Latinate sense, i.e.,  always seeking the unwise.  Not dumb -- they are not incapable of thought or analysis -- instead they use what they think for unwise ends.”

I have to ask, did you even read this piece to the end, like so many here don’t when they can’t get beyond the first two lines, especially when they encounter a four or five syllable word? 

*Vietnam is the central reference point for McMaster’s strategic perspective. He wrote his doctoral dissertation at Duke on the topic – the work that has given him the reputation of being the best mind in the Army – the embodiment of the “soldier-scholar.” The book’s thesis is that the uniformed military’s leaders failed in their duty by not remonstrating against Lyndon Johnson misrepresentation of conditions in Vietnam. The premise is that they had an accurate, unbiased understanding while Johnson was a chronic liar who had his political image foremost in mind. This is a very dubious proposition. The top United States’ commanders in Vietnam were as blind to realities as were the civilians in Washington. Their lying about capabilities (theirs and the Communists), the battlefield picture, and what was going down became proverbial. The daily briefing at command headquarters in Saigon was universally called the “Saigon follies’ by the press corps. Today’s daily follies heralding successes in Ukraine is a moveable feast offered at the White House, State, the Pentagon, and at every media site. The difference is that today’s ‘reporters’ don’t recognize the folly, nor dare announce it in the very rare instances that they do.

A wild guess, but perhaps you believed the “myth” perpetrated by so many journalists that McMaster, and Kelly, the SouthCom Commander who commanded Guantanamo  as a torture site and standing war crime, were the “Adults in the Room.” And failed to notice that there is no "immutable law” that any one in the “room” must be an “adult.” With the Pentagon and CIA both as proof of that!

 And in journalistic ignorance, everyone failed to see that McMaster’s main complaint against the JCS was that they failed to demand even more U.S. troops be sent to Vietnam. Which would have compounded what was clearly an unwinnable war from the start, if one is capable of a level of thought to know that only annihilation with nuclear bombs would succeed in getting the Vietnamese people to accept more imperialistic control of their country, exercised by what was in fact a brutal U.S. military occupation. But that’s what “Traditional Conservatives” like Goldwater called for, with his ideological successors now running both parties, as the “War Party,” the dream party of the Conservative Movement. 

So step right up; you’re all Goldwaterites/Reaganites now!

Showing that the kind of “stupidity” the US is afflicted with goes far beyond our politicians and military leaders but seeps down to the lowest levels as virtually all of us have the conceit that we’re the Exceptional Nation, and “God,” or a substitute, has chosen us to rule the world. Just as Germans and Japanese once had the same conceit. 

On Aug 27, 2023, at 10:21 AM, Edward Hughes via Salon <> wrote:

And let's not forget the following monumental manifestations of stupidity that the good professor fails to mention:
1. President Nixon's pledge to end the Vietnam War by "Peace with Honor" which cost 26,000 American lives over the course of 6 years and ended with a retreat/evacuation that makes Afghanistan look like a Balanchine-choreographed ballet  
2. President Regan's programs to fund the Nicaraguan "contras" but selling arms to the terrorist Iranian regime and to the murderous Colombian drug cartels who then, armed with US supplied munitions, inflicted terror and destabilized Central and South American countries and fostered a drug epidemic that took untold American lives.  Just say no indeed.
3. President Bush's war in Iraq, unprovoked, a war that intended to accomplish nothing more than to boost Bush's popularity but cost 4,400 American lives and destabilized the Middle East for another century. 
4. President Trump's goal to dissolve NATO which signaled to Putin that he could advance his expansionist goals without resistance and opened the way to his invasion of Ukraine.
Stupidity does not recognize political affiliation.  
Edward Hughes
+1 (617) 306 2577

On Sun, Aug 27, 2023 at 1:42 AM Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:
Michael Brenner



Stupidity, stupidity everywhere – and not a word to witness.

“Stupid” is a commonplace term casually used in every-day conversation. Much less so in writing – especially when the subject is political personalities. It is heavily weighted with inhibition. Why this hesitation? Why at a time when there is more manifest stupidity in speech and action, by far, than in recorded American history?

“Stupid” is both blunt and conclusive. Straight-forward Anglo-Saxon. It does not welcome qualification or discussion. It implies: matter settled, closed. Moreover, it suggests a character flaw as well as inadequate intelligence. That somehow makes us uncomfortable. So we prefer: dense, slow, dim or dim-witted, or elaborate euphemisms, e.g. “not the sharpest tool in the kit,” or “out of it.”  There are words that disparage intelligence that are even sharper or stronger than “stupid.” Think of these: blockhead, lamebrain, numbskull, In addition, there are those that refer directly to intelligence: moron, imbecile, idiot. They, too, are in currency but suffer from the disability of taking in vain a descriptive word that refers to the poor souls who are born with mental deficiencies.

“Stupid” is used as an epithet 95% of the time. Not as a depiction of someone’s Intelligence Quotient (IQ). To do so in the latter sense is to complicate matters. Intelligence, as we now are aware, is a broad concept that covers 4 or 5 or 6 mental attributes whose correlations are quite low. So, almost no one thinks that through before throwing the word around. To the degree that one might consider basic meanings, it implies lack of logic – the core characteristic of conventional IQ intelligence.

 Squirt kerosene on a simmering barbecue – that’s stupid. Sending more troops to Afghanistan when you’ve failed miserably to achieve your objective over the past 8 years with much larger contingents  – as Obama did in 2009 – is stupid, i.e. illogical. Threatening North Korea with a military strike by a naval task force and sending said task force in the opposite direction is stupid, i.e. illogical. Bestowing praise and honors on the Saudi leaders as declared brothers in the “war on terror” when in fact these very persons have done more to propagate the fanatical creed that inspires and justifies acts of terror is stupid, i.e. “illogical.”  However, they do not derive from sub-par intelligence in the IQ sense.

These instances of stupid behavior draw us to the connections between intelligence and knowledge – between “stupidity” and “ignorance.” Stupid (illogical) behavior is more likely when you don’t know what you’re doing because important information is lacking. Here, though, the information at the heart of logical thinking is known to the parties taking those actions. Not just accessible – it is lodged (somewhere) in the brain of the actor. “Dumb” in popular usage is the word that combines “stupid” and “ignorant” – with the connotation that the ignorance is willful. That notion is of cardinal importance.

Obama’s decision to instigate the Maidan Coup in 2014 had nothing to do wit
h IQ. Rather, it was a matter of flawed judgment. Similarly, his decision to abet the jihadi controlled opposition to Assad in Syria, with all its dire repercussions, derived from a fundamentally flawed understanding of the forces in play and a very narrow strategic perspective. Bill Clinton’s plan to unleash the financial predators who gave us the great Wall Street crash by repealing the Glass-Steagall Act stemmed less from irrationality than from ideological commitment to a dogmatic market fundamentalist ideology reinforced by political corruption.

Assuming that the “stupid’ actors are not mentally deficient, why do they act as if they are? That is the persistent question that crops us as we see and read the antics of public officials, commentators, and a host of celebrity personalities. Several explanations, not excuses, come to mind. Above all, willful ignorance is a form of stupidity. The Biden people chose, in some sense, not to inform themselves about the realities of Russia’s resilient economy and political stability before embarking on it woefully misguided strategy to cut the Putin regime down at the knees by provoking the crisis in Ukraine. Equally, it put on blinders to avoid seeing that the deepening Sino-Russian partnership would be greatly strengthened by the plan to knock Moscow out of the great power game before confronting the ultimate challenge represented by China to America’s global hegemony. Intellectual laziness of this sort is convenient in allowing a simplistic – if mentally and comfortable - mindset to guide behavior undisturbed by dissonant, more complex formulations of reality.
A second noteworthy consideration is that some highly influential players in the policymaking game may be acting on an unspoken implicit logic that is not acknowledged but salient for the person(s) involved. The Pentagon brass may well have been less concerned about “winning” in Afghanistan, whatever that means, than they were living with the intolerable perception that they “lost.” No general cum security policy-maker wants to be saddled with the label of “loser.” That sensitivity can become generalized. Individuals like Generals Mattis and McMaster were in little danger of being blamed for failure in Afghanistan. What seems to have counted is that they did not want the U.S. military to be stigmatized as a failure. They were acutely aware of how much the image of the uniformed military suffered as a result of America losing its first war in Vietnam. It follows that they might hope against hope that the outcome in Afghanistan would be fudged enough so as to escape that fate.*

There is a practical side to this concern, too. Failure, as perceptive in the public eye, could tarnish the splendid image so successfully cultivated during the “war on terror” era. That could translate into less support for bigger budgets, less lucrative consultancies after retirement, and less acclaim. And a weaker voice in policy debates.

A second truth to keep in mind is that governments are plural nouns – or, pronouns with multiple antecedents. The numerous organizations, bureaucracies and individuals involved in decision-making typically leads to a complicated process wherein it is easy to lose track of purposes, priorities and coordination. Where little discipline is imposed by the chief, the greater the chances that the result will be contradictory, disjointed, sub-optimal and often poorly executed policies.
We can observe a related phenomenon of compounded ‘dumbness’ unfold on a far grander scale in regard to the Ukraine-plus exercise in fantasy strategy. There, in the face of manifest failure to achieve the original objectives (and suffering enormous collateral diplomatic damage - formation of the BRICS counterforce to the collective West), our leaders, joined by virtually the entire foreign policy community, plows ahead heedless of the mounting costs, and the foredoomed plight of the Ukrainian forces. This mindless behavior is rooted in a common inability to contemplate not only a national failure of the first magnitude, but also the need for a drastic reworking of profoundly held beliefs about American singularity and predestined place as global supremo.
All of these adverse consequences are more likely to register, and actions to be stupid, when the man nominally in charge lacks the intelligence, emotional stability, self-awareness and advisors to recognize either the requirements for sound policy-making or for implementation. A lack of capacity to accept responsibility and to be held accountable exacerbates matters.

For a President to avoid acting “stupidly,” he need not have an exceptional IQ – or score remarkably high on other dimensions of intelligence. Two things are most important: he must be honest with himself; and he must put in place a policy system that is both logical in process and self-aware as to why decisions are taken with what end in mind. To borrow an analogy from the football terminology favored in the corridors of Washington power: you can win a championship with a mediocre quarterback if the other pieces are in place (e.g. Bart Starr of the legendary Green Bay Packers,  Nick Foles of the 2018 Super Bowl winning Philadelphia Eagles). A corollary is that an emotionally handicapped or narcissistic quarterback – however talented – will cripple a team sooner or later. One who suffers from the latter condition(s), along with an utter lack athletic talent, is a guarantor of disaster. “Stupidity” will be the least of the derogatory terms applied to the ensuing performance; that word should be reserved for those who chose him.

Moral: we should not hesitate to call things as they are. Feigned politeness in situations marked by systematic deceit and ill-will serve no good purpose. Concerned about the proverbial “dignity of the office?” Take your shoes off before entering the Oval Office. If “stupidity” displayed by stupid people it what we observe, virtue lies in calling it as such.
*Vietnam is the central reference point for McMaster’s strategic perspective. He wrote his doctoral dissertation at Duke on the topic – the work that has given him the reputation of being the best mind in the Army – the embodiment of the “soldier-scholar.” The book’s thesis is that the uniformed military’s leaders failed in their duty by not remonstrating against Lyndon Johnson misrepresentation of conditions in Vietnam. The premise is that they had an accurate, unbiased understanding while Johnson was a chronic liar who had his political image foremost in mind. This is a very dubious proposition. The top United States’ commanders in Vietnam were as blind to realities as were the civilians in Washington. Their lying about capabilities (theirs and the Communists), the battlefield picture, and what was going down became proverbial. The daily briefing at command headquarters in Saigon was universally called the “Saigon follies’ by the press corps. Today’s daily follies heralding successes in Ukraine is a moveable feast offered at the White House, State, the Pentagon, and at every media site. The difference is that today’s ‘reporters’ don’t recognize the folly, nor dare announce it in the very rare instances that they do.
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