Re: [Salon] "We have created an entire enterprise that focuses economically on creating crisis to justify outrageously high defense spending"

Precisely the kind of bluster the infotainment industry loves as he sells books.  Keep on walking -- as the defense budget goes up -- nothing to see here.  Moreover, if you scratch the surface of what Miller is putting out, I suspect you will find nothing there. He has mouthed off before, and it was a prelude to nothing.  If he were actually serious and worth listening to, we would know that from his actual proposals and deeds -- which are where?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2023 9:00 AM
Subject: [Salon] "We have created an entire enterprise that focuses economically on creating crisis to justify outrageously high defense spending"

"We have created an entire enterprise that focuses economically on creating crisis to justify outrageously high defense spending"
Former acting defense secretary thinks the U.S. should slash its military budget in half

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