Bremmer heads a consultancy that serves private clients. Nothing wrong with that but his company is not a news outlet. His public appearances are informative but are for the purpose of advertising his services. He is often insightful but seldom at odds with the official narrative.
I post from blogs and foreign media, including the media in countries with which we have an adversarial relationship, because they are often the only places that report events that are not reported at all or reported only sketchily in our increasingly conformist mainstream media. I deliberately select material for posting that either provides essential background for the news or news that is not easily available in the mainstream media. The stuff I post is often stuff I do not personally agree with but find challenging to the conventional view.
I don't see a need for me to highlight disagreeing perspectives on Hersh's article because the mainstream media, when it doesn't ignore him, only publishes material disparaging him and his record. Hersh's record, however, speaks for itself. There is no other living journalist who has broken as many stories that first drew derision from officialdom only to be proven correct.
Best regards,