[Salon] A Day in Netanyahu's New Israel: Threats, Violence and Calls to Arrest the Opposition - Israel News - Haaretz.com

I know some here object to the use of the term “fascist,” to describe such political phenomena as this, and as I’ve used it to describe their international allies. As I did when I connected Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, Modi, Orban, Trumpites, Duterte, Giorgia Meloni, and the founder, the “Leader” of, and main ideologist of National Conservatism, Yoram Hazony, into the type of “Universal Fascism” that Michael Ledeen always coyly advocated. With Hazony’s biography/residence, somewhat similar to Ben-Gvir’s, as West Bank Settler, before “settling” into Jerusalem (probably near the US Embassy which Trump moved there).  

This interview is one of the best descriptions of how a “fascist state” acts, and neither have avoided using the term “fascist” to describe this “Jewish State of Israel,” and is a must-watch video for anyone who isn’t actually supportive of this one form of a variety of forms of fascism. 

Today is the 21st Anniversary of the opening of one more, after the Black Sites, of the CIA’s torture chambers, Guantanamo. Shortly after hysteria took over the U.S. populace with 9/11, with declarations coming disproportionately from the Republicans (but let’s not forget Hilary Clinton and Joe Lieberman, and their fellow “Scoop Jackson Democrats,” though they had become so numerous, with the DLC and the Clinton administration, that the term had become passé so that they’re now called “Centrists) revealing their “inner-fascist” impulses, it was apparent that this now-open fascist consciousness was now with us for the long-haul. It’s called “Perpetual War,” as it’s now known as. 

And it was apparent that “Silence was Acquiescence,” so even amongst my military colleagues (fortunately, a few agreed with me), I let my opposition to this new paradigm be known, and stayed on in the military with the intention to volunteer as defense counsel in the Military Commissions, should the opportunity arise. Which it did, and I did. Intended as my small contribution to “defending the Constitution,” against its “domestic enemies.” Whom are innumerable, and far more today, than in 2002, or 2008 when I began as Defense Counsel in the Military Commission’s. And includes those who wish to overthrow the Constitution by “reinterpretation,” such as substituting the so-called “Philadelphia Constitution” (Originalism, per Bill Barr, and others) to its amended, with the Bill of Rights to begin with, actual Constitution, which we’re supposed to be under yet today, though seeking to overthrow elections by taking over the “seat of government” would seem to go against that. 

So as to avoid acquiescing to fascism by silence, or self-censorship, even against “social pressure,” I have to agree with Diana Buttu and Gideon Levy that what we are seeing, and to whom US Conservatives (Republicans/libertarians, and including "Democratic Centrists”), and even more so National Conservatives/Trumpites/Desantists, are so closely allied to, are “Fascists.” The temptation to censor is overwhelming today, from both “mainstream” parties, but to decline to call political phenomena such as we’re seeing today, with U.S. wars around the world, perpetually, and support of this Israeli fascist (not Nazi, which is “merely” a sub-set of generic fascism) regime, one must call it, and its supporters, by their “true-name.” Otherwise one “acquiesces” to it. Just as the Military Commissions must be called by their true name: a “Fascist” style military, "martial law," operation misrepresented as a “Legal System.” The opening paragraphs on the "Prerogative State” from Ernst Fraenkel’s “The Dual State” describes the “true nature” of the CIA’s/DOD’s substitution of their own “prerogative” system, for the “Rule of Law” that once ostensibly existed, which was brought out into the open 21 years ago today. And as with Israel, war, and more so, "perpetual war,” serves to radicalize one’s population in a fascist direction, for reasons most people don’t want to examine..  

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Title: A Day in Netanyahu's New Israel: Threats, Violence and Calls to Arrest the Opposition - Israel News - Haaretz.com

A Day in Netanyahu's New Israel: Threats, Violence and Calls to Arrest the Opposition - Israel News - Haaretz.com

The heated battle over the Netanyahu government’s proposed judicial overhaul became increasingly inflamed on Tuesday, with the rhetoric threatening to explode into actual violence over the course of 24 hours.

The stage was set by Otzma Yehudit lawmaker Zvika Fogel, who said in an interview that leaders of the opposition were committing “treason against the state” by “inciting the nation to rebel.”

Such behavior, he charged, was a “betrayal of the homeland and grounds for arrest.”

He named four critics of the government: Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid; National Unity Party head Benny Gantz; former Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon; and former Deputy Economy Minister Yair Golan. Three of these four are retired IDF generals. He labeled them the “most dangerous people in Israel at the moment.” The four men, he said, were calling for “war” and therefore “should be arrested.”

יום עיון ח"כים כנסת 25

Otzma Yehudit MK Zvika Fogel. Leaders of the opposition are committing “treason against the state,” the far-right lawmaker said.Credit: Danny Shem-Tov, Knesset Spokesperson's Office

Fogel’s fellow party member Almog Cohen echoed his colleague’s attack on opposition leaders and government critics, saying that those who were “inciting” against the government should be “taken away in handcuffs.”

The two far-right lawmakers cited a long list of opposition leaders as being “dangerous” in their calls for protest, aiming their strongest fire at former Defense Minister Gantz. He had previously warned the government headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that if it continued in its current direction, “The responsibility for the civil war that is gathering in Israeli society will be on you.”

בן גביר א טור

Otzma Yehudit MK Almog Cohen. Those “inciting” against the government should be “taken away in handcuffs,” said the far-right lawmaker. Credit: Ohad Zwigenberg

He also called for mass protests that would “cause the country to tremble.”

Pushed to denounce the statements by his coalition partners who suggested that the opposition should be rounded up, Netanyahu responded to the exchanges with implied criticism for both parties.

He tweeted that “in a democratic country, one does not arrest the leaders of the opposition just as one does not call government ministers Nazis and a Jewish government the Third Reich. Neither does one call on citizens to launch a civil rebellion.”

Netanyahu’s tweet was a reference to signs that appeared at a demonstration in Tel Aviv last Saturday against his government’s judicial overhaul, which included the message: “1933: Yes, we can compare.”

But even before that, the war of words spilled over into the real world.

Zvi Hen, a 26-year-old man, was detained by police in Be’er Sheva after allegedly driving his car toward a crowd of protesters. They were standing on a sidewalk in front of the city’s university, holding signs and chanting slogans against the government plan to strip the judiciary of key powers.

The protesters said Hen attempted to ram into them. After being thwarted when his car hit an obstruction, they alleged that he emerged from his vehicle, denounced them and attempted to attack them.

הפגנת סטודנטים נגד פסיקת ההתגברות

Protesters and counterprotesters arguing at a demonstration against the government's plans to weaken the judiciary, in Be'er Sheva on Tuesday.Credit: Eliyahu Hershkovitz

On the same day, a member of Lapid’s party, former Intelligence Minister Elazar Stern, said he had received death threats. He told the police that a man who called his phone warned that if he continued to “incite” against the Netanyahu government, a grenade would be thrown at his home.

Stern called on members of Netanyahu’s government to condemn all expressions of violence and to “lower the heat” when it comes to using “dangerous and inciteful” words to describe the opposition.

In response to the day’s events, Lapid tweeted: “This is how democracy collapses, in one day. [National Security Minister Itamar] Ben-Gvir says they will use anti-fascists against our demonstrators; MK Fogel says Gantz and I should be arrested and thrown in jail for treason; and at the university they are trying to run over our students because they’re protesting and exercising their right to freedom of _expression_. We will not let them trample us and our beloved country.”

Along with Gantz, Lapid has called the government’s moves to radically overhaul the judicial system a “political coup” and vowed to fight them in the streets.

The growing tension and fiery exchanges between the government and opposition has only increased fears of violence in the coming days. All eyes are now on a planned protest against the government’s controversial reforms, set to take place in Tel Aviv on Saturday night.

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