Re: [Salon] If there’s one thing that unites a deeply divided 118th Congress, it’s bound to be China.

Setting up this “new select committee” was one of the “demands” to McCarthy by the so-called “Freedom Caucus,” all or almost all of whom have been in the forefront of demanding ever more “Defense spending,” for war against China first (and always Iran, then necessarily, and logically, Russia, as Trump prepared for with Camp Trump, etc.). It was a “demand” like: “Don’t throw me in the briar patch.” To a group of attorneys, and fellow board members of an organization which calls for arms control of nuclear weapons, but in my opinion haven’t recognized the "true nature” of the U.S. Perpetual War State, I sent the following this morning, in part: 

(Begin here)
So today from the Pentagon’s Early Bird News, from Defense News, I read this: 

Which I say to: “Cold War, Hell! It’s a “Hot War,” just below the appearance we are allowed to see, as “Cold War” means turning loose the CIA and Special Operations/Cognitive Warfare (PsyOps, to include standing "nuclear threat”) Forces, while maintaining the constant U.S. PsyOps message, speaking as a U.S. Army trained PsyOps veteran, that “we’re only acting in defense!”

In addition to massively raising “Defense spending,” Trump put it to use, and “made the trains run on time,” so to speak, in getting the B-21 Bomber in “on time,” though having left office by the time it beat expectations in being developed, as this gushingly describes, so we have a new, stealthy, “delivery system" for our nuclear bombs, to go with Trump’s “modernization” of our other nuclear forces, all of which survived Trump’s departure, and enthusiastically adopted by “Democratic Centrists.”  

On top of that, Republican Mike Rogers is now chairman of the House Armed Services Committee 
Quote: "As chairman of the military panel, Rogers said his committee will focus on “lethality and capability” in military operations, as well as threats posed by China, Russia and North Korea.

“Over the next two years, the House Armed Services Committee will provide our warfighters with the resources and weapons they need to deter and, if necessary, defeat any adversary anywhere in the world,” he said in a statement.”

Some will say “Hallelujah” to that! Given I start my day by reading the Pentagon’s “News Delivery System,” the “Early Bird,” or at least do after the Washington Post and the NYT, virtually repetitive of the “Early Bird;” and have throughout the “Wars,” for over 20 years, while turning to Haaretz to read of Israel’s own parallel descent into “Fascism,” I admittedly have become cynical of claims of “threats” to the U.S. That is, as Republicans, and Democratic “Centrists," incessantly warn us of, in getting our acquiescence to massive military spending, and more U.S. aggression, and not diplomacy. As the House China Committee is intended to do. 

(End here)

What we are seeing with the “House Freedom Caucus” is identical to what a one-time member, Michelle Bachmann, repeatedly said:

“We must cut government spending  . . . we must increase defense spending.” 

I have the same amount of respect for the so-called “Freedom Caucus” and its gullible supporters, as I once had, and still have, for Michelle Bachmann, which is zero, and of whom I’d like to think a small effort of mine contributed to her decision not to run for reelection in 2014, with Bill Polk’s encouragement. 

On Jan 11, 2023, at 8:28 AM, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wisc. REUTERS/Nathan Howard

If there’s one thing that unites a deeply divided 118th Congress, it’s bound to be China.

In a 365 - 65 vote on Tuesday, House lawmakers approved a resolution setting up a new select committee focused on the People’s Republic. It was a sharp contrast to a completely partisan vote to establish a new subcommittee on the “weaponization” of the federal government minutes later.

The panel will “investigate and submit policy recommendations on the status of the Chinese Communist Party’s economic, technological, and security progress and its competition with the United States,” according to the resolution. Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher is set to lead it.

Several Democratic lawmakers voiced support for the creation of the committee and some like Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif. have publicly expressed interest in joining.

“I think this select committee can be a forum to bring us together,” Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore. said on the House floor ahead of the vote. Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-Va. told Semafor “absolutely” when asked if she would like to be on it.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned against using the panel to “be discriminatory to Asian Americans,” but supported its creation and is a longtime China critic dating back decades.

“It’s important to address unfairness in our trade practices, violations of human rights, whether you’re talking about Uyghurs, whether you’re talking about Tibet, whether you’re talking about Hong Kong,” said Pelosi, who last summer sparked a brief international incident with China by becoming the highest-ranking official in 25 years to visit Taiwan.

Gallagher told Semafor last month he wants the committee to bring together “serious, sober members” from both sides of the aisle. McCarthy is ultimately responsible for tapping the other members, which will include nine Republicans and seven Democrats. Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries will also have a say in who the Democratic members are.

Morgan Chalfant and Kadia Goba

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